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Comment Re: Her work (Score 0) 1262

You are right, there is no excuse for threats of violence. That being said, she is is absolutely trying to insult men. The video I watched had her saying that commercials that show fathers playing with their sons, and father son road trips are wrong. She also says that testosterone and facial hair are negative traits. Basically the video I watched was 13 minutes of man hate.

When you make a high profile career out of hate-mongering, it should not surprise you that someone is going to behave badly towards you.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 0) 1262

Given that she has said that commercials depicting fathers playing with their sons are bad, and that products should not depict testosterone inspired activity, you would be wrong that she is not at war with men. I just pulled up her site and randomly picked one of her videos. It happened to be a bit about Lego. It was 13 minutes of man hate.

I'm not excusing people who make threats, but much like Jerry Springer, if you are a hate-monger, it shouldn't be a surprise when the mentally unstable make them at you.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 0) 1262

If you didn't feel insulted, you missed her point. Her job is to insult men. No, the game producers are not saying "men are brutes with no compassion, let's pander to that." They are saying "This is pretend. Lots of people like horror fiction. Lets pander to that." In fact, horror fiction is popular among women as well as men, and yes, frequently it involves sexual mutilation of men as well.

The fact that you think this is a "male" problem does not make you "one of the good ones". It just means that you have been convinced half the population was born wrong.

Comment Re:The death of leniency (Score 1) 643

No, his solution is to jail the first people who film rabbits and then have the law repealed due to it hitting someone who has the resources to call out the stupidity of the law, INSTEAD of having even more people jailed for filming rabbits because anyone with resources to fight the law getting a free pass from the cops.

The question is whether someone will get jailed for photographing rabbits or not. It is a question of whether the police can use that law as a means of harrasing and abusing people for their own benefit.

Comment Re:Will the cameras work? (Score 1) 643

True. What would be even better is if we could get criminal cops' accomplices prosecuted due to these cameras. Currently, we have a system where the cost of enforcing the law on police carries a higher price for other police than abetting the criminal activities of their fellow officers. We need to turn that around and make the cost of abetting criminal activity to have a higher price than arresting a cop.

The current situation is why I don't believe there are 'good' cops. Any cop that witnesses another cop breaking the law and does not enforce the law against him is an accomplice. Corruption is to wide spread for good cops to exist in our current environment.

Comment Re:I like... (Score 1) 643

Given that every street light in my county already has cameras attached, it seems we are already committed. I am still amazed at how easily the population accepted thousands of cameras to be installed around the county.

As far as I am aware, this is the norm throughout Northern California. Is this not common in other parts of the country?

Comment Re:I like... (Score 1) 643

We all know that purchase price is only a small fraction of TCO. Even if they get the military equipment for free, it isn't free to maintain it. Claims that there is little to no cost involved in purchasing military equipment isn't even a good lie.

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