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Comment Re:Not My Phone (Score 1) 461

I'm sorry, sir, but I simply CANNOT read your post without appending -

My phone just rings. I know it sounds crazy, but some people (OK maybe just me) actually prefer their phones to ring like - well, phones. I don't want to hear the latest hit R&B jingle or other such shit. I want to know that my phone is ringing. And sometimes, when I feel wild, I'll change to a slightly different ring tone that sounds like a different phone. If people who are stupid enough to pay for musical ringtones get sued, I say thats just fine with me. I never liked the music that most people play as ringtones anyways. If they start getting fined and sued maybe those people will think twice before turning their phones into random top40 samplers. Now get off my lawn!

Comment Re:Games Are a "Waste of Time" (Score 1) 648

today's video games are basically engineered to be time wasters. There's no real intellectual challenge to them, nothing to be learned.

You're totally right. There are absolutely no video games out there that require any thought whatsoever.

There's more to the gaming world than Halo and GTA (not that there's anything wrong with them, I enjoy both of those series, I just happen to like other games as well).

Comment Re:I'd Upgrade... (Score 1) 89

That way I'd still get DRM-free organic vision with one eye, would not have floaters (I'll pass on the floater EULA) and would be able to see my co-workers in their underwear with my left one.

Sir, I'm gonna need to ask for your geek card. No /.er should be working in any kind of business where that's a good thing.

Comment Re:DEATH TO PROJECTS (Score 1) 1055

Every other time it has simply been an obstacle to bottom-up design, by forcing me to make a lot of decisions about the structure of my code before most of it had actually been written.

Perish the thought! Surely this is some sort of horrible joke. THINKING before you code? I've never heard of such a preposterous notion! Do you have blueprints before you start building a house? NEVER! You grab your tools and start hammering away, trusting in nothing more than the almighty FSM to guide your hands in such a way as to have everything fit together when you're done! Why plan things out when you can just wing it and pray, right?


Submission + - Best Text Editor for 2008 2

gamer4Life writes: Seven years ago, Slashdot users got to vote for their favourite open-source text editor. While this vim and emacs are stalwarts for the Linux platform, I was wondering what the best text editor is for Windows?

Submission + - Microsoft Santa will talk dirty to you (

coondoggie writes: "Turns out Santa himself is naughty and nice. An artificial-intelligence Santa bot operated by Microsoft to talk to children wavered off topic saying: "It's fun to talk about oral sex, but I want to chat about something else...." Microsoft Tuesday confirmed the bot's potty mouth and snipped Santa's Web connection."
The Military

Submission + - Laser Humvee, Real Rail Guns Ready for Military (

mattnyc99 writes: Some cool news today about lasers and the military—not just gee-whiz, though, because it really sounds like this stuff is going to happen. Boeing just tested a massive laser-mounted Humvee that scorched through the casing of an IED to blow it up before it could detonate by sending an invisible beam 20 times hotter than your electric stovetop—then burned through a couple UAVs for kicks (and to let the Pentagon know it's serious about this laser thing). But for the sci-fi nerds, this is this is the ah-ha stuff: Real-world rail guns are finally here, with enough energy now to launch a solid, nonexplosive projectile at incredible speed across extreme distances—and the Navy is snatching them up. From the article: "BAE Systems and the Navy see rail guns as a perfect match for electrically driven vessels such as the DDG 1000 destroyer, using the onboard capacitors for power. The Marines, in particular, are interested in the potential for railguns to deliver supporting fire from hundreds of miles away, with rounds landing more quickly and with less advance warning than a volley of Tomahawk cruise missiles."

Submission + - New nanotechnology fabrication techniques

Roland Piquepaille writes: "A recent American Chemical Society's Weekly PressPac briefly describes an important advance toward industrial-scale production of nanodevices (scroll down to item #4). With this new technique, 'zinc oxide nanowires are grown in the exact positions where nanodevices later will be fabricated, in a way that involves a minimum number of fabrication steps and is suitable for industrial-scale applications.' In fact, this technique only needs only three photolithographic steps. It could soon be used for mass fabrication of nanowire-based transistors and sensors. But read more for additional details and a picture of the photolithography process used for this new scalable fabrication of nanowire devices."

Submission + - Yahoo lied to Congress about helping China police (

amigoro writes: "A United States congressional panel ruled today that Yahoo provided false information to Congress during the investigation into whether the search engine giant provided information to authorities in China which lead to a dissident journalist to being sentenced 10 years in prison.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Callahan, Shi Tao's mother is sitting in the first row right behind you — I would urge you to beg the forgiveness of the mother whose son is languishing behind bars due to Yahoo's actions," Lantos said."

The Courts

Submission + - Interview with Hans Reiser tonight on ABC's 20/20 ( 1

supertzar writes: "ABCNews has posted a brief article describing Hans and Nina Reiser's relationship and subsequent personal issues in relation to the ongoing murder case. The article refers to the fact that Hans Reiser is being interviewed tonight on ABC's 20/20, and to watch for additional coverage of the story."

Submission + - NASA Ikhana Assists SoCal Firefighters

ackthpt writes: Discovery News has a nifty article on NASA's Ikhana drone. Ikhana designed for suborbital earth sciences missions, may be fitted out with a variety of sensors, the same as deployed on satellites to study atmospheric conditions up close. Wednesday, Ikhana took off from Edwards Air Force Base for a 10 hour mission to observe forest fires, scanning the terrain from 23-25,000 feet using a variety of sensors for visible and IR light. Able to remain aloft for up to 30 continuous hours without break and view during night, Ikhana serves up information in minutes, which required hours by manned aircraft observation. "The data is processed on the aircraft, up-linked to a satellite and then downloaded to a ground station. From there it's delivered to a computer server at NASA Ames. The imagery is then combined with Google Earth maps. Command center personnel can view the images on their computer screens and then delegate local firefighters accordingly." Now how cool is that?

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