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Comment Re:It hasn't changed much, except for VMs (Score 1) 429

What kind of broken VM platform are you running where VM's are tied to an individual host? Every major player now supports live migration of VM's between hosts, in fact the only hypervisor I'm aware of that doesn't is Virtualbox which isn't exactly something I'd use on a server.

Virtualbox supports VM hot migration (teleportation) since version 3.1.

Comment Re:So, was Stratfor taken down on orders of FBI? (Score 3, Interesting) 278

Stratfor was not a joke. It still is not a joke, even if they have issues with computer security, but in that specific regard, they are no different to some random comapny and should not really be judged any differently. There are not many organisations that can do what they accomplish(ed).

If you want a motive for why FBI might want to have Stratfor be "trashed", you need not look any further than "foreign corrupt practices act". Stratfor would have been toeing the line in many cases, and yet have had powerful protectors telling FBI off from investigating. I'm not claiming FBI ordered it, or that this was the reason, but these are possible scenarios.

Comment Re:I disagree with the last line of the article (Score 1) 278

Hammond is in trouble because of his beliefs. Because the net that FBI cast to select which members of Lulzsec to target for closer observation and then prosecution was not primarily based on the gravity of the actions of the members, but on other actions the people supported and the beliefs they echoed. Sure, he is also in trouble because he did illegal things - but out of a large set of people to prosecute, he was picked based on the statements he made. Which he did based on his beliefs.

Just because he is in trouble because of his alleged criminal actions, it does not mean he is also not in trouble because of his beliefs.

Comment Re:There will be more (Score 1) 278

Right. Just like the suffragettes backed down immediately it became obvious that its dangerous? Just like the civil rights people all disappeared into thin air the moment it became clear that not only can you go to prison or get killed for it, but more of then than not, the goons were the people supposedly upholding law? There is no credible evidence to date that anonymous and lulzsec members don't know what they are up to, or penalties for getting caught.

Comment So, was Stratfor taken down on orders of FBI? (Score 5, Interesting) 278

It raises a lot of questions about which initiatives of Lulzsec are actually genuinely their work and which as really the work of FBI, carried out by the willing hands of Lulzsec. Maybe FBI wanted to take down Stratfor, but lacking a legitimate way, siced their inside man on it. It will also make for a very obvious defence for anybody arrested - they have a very easy way of claiming that what they did was on orders of Sabu and hence the law enforcement agency themselves now trying to prosecute them.

This is also going to be a big blow to credibility of FBI.

Comment Be less evil and confused for a day, Google. (Score 1) 258

Microsoft's privacy protection feature in Internet Explorer, known as P3P

This is simply utterly preposterous. P3P is not a Internet Explorer thing. Even google search knows its a w3c thing - but apparently those coming up with such excuses do not use Google search. Google can do with a doze of being at least a bit less evil.

Comment Re:Restore time (Score 1) 196

"This much data" ? Hello? Are you a time traveler from the 1990s who has missed a decade of storage space expansion or simply trying to have a cheap laugh? 72TB is not "much" in this day and age. Also, fsck only deals with metadata, if you are worried about what happened to your data, the file system at hand is not adequate to your needs anyways.

Comment Re:linux is fail (Score 1) 196

OK, so I have a large x86/64 server and want to follow your advice. Can you please tell me where you can get AIX, or HP-UX, to run on X86?

Right. Very funny how you managed to pick out the two systems that don't run on x6 out of the three. If your question was even remotely serious there are two options for you: Solaris and FreeBSD.


Submission + - What is the best starter guide/book for beginning with OOP 4

guruevi writes: "A (girl)friend of mine just started a CS course and has been dumped head first into programming with Java.

The textbook sucks in my not-so-humble opinion, the teacher just glossed over the theory, didn't really explain anything other than "just do this and it will work" (until yesterday she had no idea as to what String[] args means in the main and why it should or shouldn't be there) and has given them only a few class methods to implement, feeding them the main and tester classes so far then skipped straight ahead to "now implement the main, this class and the tester" leaving (at least one of) his pupils bewildered as to what it actually all means.

Yes, she can parrot what an object is and a string or an integer and how to write it up but she has no idea how it fits together. Constructor methods same problem, parrot the theory but no idea what it actually means and how object oriented programming makes things look different than the methodical sequential programming people are geared towards thinking.

Since I am an already somewhat seasoned programmer I can explain what everything means and it feels very natural after years of experience but I'm not a great teacher. I also like to introduce what is and isn't good practice (and where her teacher goes horribly wrong is teaching good practice such as commenting, variable naming etc.) but it all gets overwhelming for her.

Since I am not really familiar with Java (more of a P*/C/ObjC/C++ guy) I am looking for either a good guide on Java or any objective oriented programming for beginners, something where people can understand how methods/functions work, how variables are passed and what scoping means (things the textbook doesn't explain until a few chapters later, it just assumes the pupil to copy the examples)"

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