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Comment Re:Why redirect them? (Score 1) 512

They are parasites in this way: Rather than them spend the time and money to upgrade the infrastructure they use that relies on "features" or "quirks" of IE6, they choose not to expend those resources. This just causes everyone else to spend that time and money to support their broken browser. The time and money spent by others to keep their websites usable by this trainwreck of a browser would have been better spent elsewhere. They are making others waste resources for their benefit. Pretty much the definition of a parasite.

Where I work, we spend 4-5 days developing the primary website. We have to avoid doing anything "fancy" or "efficient" with our coding, keeping it as plain jane as we can. Then we have to spend another day or so "fixing" the perfectly reasonable code, css, and graphics to work with IE 6. That's a couple of days we are not spending on the next site.

I have seriously been considering some kind of redirection (at worst) or some other kind of gentle reminder to encourage IE6 users to upgrade. Remember that if you are not using IE6 you are likely a few years behind on patching your windows system overall.

I am personally of the opinion that coddling IE6 users in this fashion gives them no incentive to upgrade - there is no pressure at all. This is holding the internet back, frankly, and at some point I'm going to just start redirecting IE6 users to an appropriate page where they can upgrade to IE7, IE8, or better yet, a standards compliant browser like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Opera. Stuff that was written to require ActiveX controls was broken to start with.

Comment Re:Priorities, people (Score 2, Interesting) 211

While I generally regard using Wikipedia as a laughable "proof" in any sort of internet discussion, I find it doubly so in this case. The article cited has so many weasel words (may, could, should, might) that it becomes entirely devoid of informational content. If you are eating a properly nutritious diet, you will have zero need for any kind of dietary supplements, period. Dependence on the "nutritional" benefits of the minute amounts of calcium, magnesium, etc. in tap water borders on the delusional. Having said that, one adult sized vitamin capsule is going to have more of those trace minerals than 8 glasses of drinking water. As for the benefits of fluoride in the water, too much of it can also cause teeth to become brittle and prone to breakage. All good things in moderation. Considering where pure H20 ends up when ingested (mixed in with the contents of your stomach) tell me exactly how long it actually remains "pure" in the human body?

Comment Re:How can they tell... (Score 1) 746

The Mann "hockey stick" graph has been thoroughly debunked. This is old news, and I'm surprised it even has to be mentioned again. It was based on a poor subset of data, on flawed assumptions as to how trees respond to temperature in their growth patterns, and the data was subject to flawed use of statistical methods. The hockey stick is totally off the table as proof of any unusual recent warming. What else have you got?

Comment Re:How can they tell... (Score 0) 746

Why? Because the effect of CO2 in the atmosphere is already at saturation. Doesn't really matter how much you blacken the windows in a house - once they hit "black" you're not adding any more to the effect. Same with CO2 absorption and re-emission of specific infrared wavelengths - it's already at saturation, and adding any more CO2 will have no effect. What we have left is natural variation in the Earth's temperature budget - changes in incoming energy (solar irradiance, solar wind, effect on cosmic ray cloud nucleation, changes in Albedo) are showing up as a decrease in overall thermal budget. Don't worry, it'll warm up in a few years. And then get cooler again. And then warmer again. Some call it a cycle. ;)

Comment Re:How can they tell... (Score 5, Interesting) 746

Prove it. Since CO2 levels have been higher in the past, it stands to reason that sealife is already adapted to higher levels of dissolved CO2 in seawater. Experts on the subject see no damage being specifically caused by CO2 in seawater. This is not to say that there is no pressing need for action on what happens in the ocean - pollution and fishing practices (like dredging and drag nets) are causing uncountable damage.

Comment Re:Too Bad (Score 1) 262

Except, how do you know it's a steaming turd of a movie? I don't know if it's bad or good. If I listened to everyone who hated a movie for one reason or another, I'd have missed out on some of my favorite movies, ever. But to dismiss a movie based on nothing more than opinion, or what you thought of the trailer, or whatever silly prejudice you want to foster, well, that's just not rational.

Maybe it's the greatest graphic novel of all time (I found it a bit self-indulgent and repetitive at times) but dude, it's only a graphic novel. Just like this is only a movie.

Note to Alan Moore: get over yourself already. You write comic books.

Comment Re:Too Bad (Score 2, Informative) 262

I guess you know more than the artist who drew the graphic novel, and has, you know, SEEN the movie:
Gibbons: I am feeling very optimistic about the film. I have been pleased with everything I have seen, and every successive thing I see makes me feel better. I've seen parts of it now three or four times, and I can still watch them again very happily. Like a graphic novel, there are depths of detail and meaning in film that give themselves up on a first viewing, and I am really looking forward to getting the director's cut of the DVD so I can go through it frame by frame. Which itself is a similar experience some have the first time they read Watchmen, and which the film is cruelly denying me! [Laughs]

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