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Comment Re:That's because they need MythTV (Score 1) 297

does it, or does the fact that most TVs have features to automatically turn the volume down for you negate this?

Yes, it does. Simple fact right there. Loudness makes people pay attention. And I'll admit I'm not a well-traveled TV watcher, but if "most TVs" can detect when sound has high loudness at a given maximum peak height, I'll eat a mouthful of my pubes.

Comment Re:That's because they need MythTV (Score 2, Insightful) 297

Dear Mr. Network Execubot, watching your ad is not the same thing as purchasing your product, in some cases if the ads are bad enough it drives people away from buying your good/service.

Sorry, advertising works.

Also please stop raising the decibel level when a commercial comes on, that is really annoying.

Sorry, loudness works.

Is "Network Execubot" really a properly respectful form of address for someone so much smarter than you?

Comment Re:unilkely (Score 1) 560

Have someone walk though, taking each order into a handheld computer as they go, and have two or three people running them to each seat. (I wonder how much that cart weighs.)

That's how Southwest does it (but with paper instead of handheld computers).

Comment Re:It's About Automation (Score 1) 383

He said (well, implied) that the assert statement is a bad thing, because if the code that shuts down the machine fails the assert, it won't be shut down properly. Meaning, ejasons thinks it's best not to find a BUG in the code that shuts down the X-ray. Which is NOT HOW IT WORKS. And it terrifies me that he thinks so.

I'm not even sure who you think you're responding to. I think you're agreeing with me without meaning to.

Comment Re:And why should they care? (Score 1) 441

You're correct that it was the decision-makers' problem, but not how you think - they should have fired, or never hired, such poor communicators. Their JOB is to communicate with their team, and to hire a team they can communicate with. If a team isn't communicating adequately, it's the manager's fault - for hiring incompetent engineers, or for being a poor communicator.

Comment Re:what I want to know is. . . (Score 1) 317

Wow, that's stupid and ignorant. I mean really ignorant and really stupid, I want to get onto why you are wrong but I have to take a moment to digest the enormous stupidity and ignorance of this statement.

would have been better if it hadn't been followed soon by

Don't give me guff about how it doesn't feel right or I cant get a hard on (there's a pill for that, most of us dont need it though),

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