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Comment Shake up (Score 3, Interesting) 226

I pretty much basically watch public television (PBS) and Netflix. I don't have cable or satellite service.

The media is prime for a shake up. But I'm not sure anyone can deliver us from hundreds of channels of crap. I mean, if Hollywood is already out of ideas, now banking on remakes, neither Apple or Google can help much, but only serve us classic reruns with a better user experience. :/

Comment Re:Facebook dead (Score 1) 579

I don't think Facebook is going anywhere. Especially a coffin. Maybe you are being sarcastic, but what Facebook has encompassed is a one-stop-shop. But even being the closest thing to online social perfection, everyone still struggles to find the importance of staying on top of it everyday. If it doesn't feed your needs, then it can't cater to everyone like breathing air. Although, there are those that breath Facebook like air.

Sure, I see this Ping being useful for expanding music tastes, but covering high school reunions and what you are doing right now? No. It will all merge one day. It's natural like precipitation that falls from the sky will make its way to the ocean.

Submission + - Using BBEdit to Manage Code (barebones.com)

kdogg73 writes: My bread and butter is desktop publishing on the MacOS: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator (Quark is dead). I never see the print medium actually going away altogether, but the pinch increases every year, reminding me to keep my horizons open. My employer appreciates that, as our work shifts to more web-based design. Beyond generating a web ready PDF, I have dabbled with Flash, HTML and basic web managing such as WordPress, MODx and other content site management tools over the years. Adobe packages Dreamweaver/Flash with some of their Creative Suites, and I have those handy. My question is to what people think of the program BBEdit versus other text-based code editors, including Dreamweaver's own. I used this back in the 90s and loved it. I'm debating on asking for a full copy. I see myself copying source in and out of the content management programs to BBEdit, cleaning up inline CSS and other HTML code as needed. Thanks for any insight.

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