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Comment Re: I want ALL your tears (Score 1) 132

So if I wanted to buy something at the grocery store I can simply sell some BTC for fiat, and do that. If you can understand how it works if you got shares on the stock market and you want to sell these for fiat, then you can understand how it works if you have BTC and you want to get fiat. Surely this is not a difficult concept to grasp? Are you sure you're not projecting when you say I'm angry? Trust me, I have zero reason to be angry about any of this. I'm just here for you tears.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 132

You can sell it for USD or any other fiat currency on the planet. Did you not know this? No different from owning shares on the stock market. These you can also not trade directly for a cup of coffee in most places. But if you sell them for fiat first, then you can get your coffee. I guess you just didn't know.

Comment I want ALL your tears (Score 0) 132

The tears of the BTC denialists who are now out in force, especially on sites like slashdot where many tech types hang around, are SOOO sweet. More, please! Give me all your reasons for why BTC is worthless. Give me all your doom predictions of the impending downfall and crash below $1. Give me all your theories of how someone soon will hack BTC and steal everybody's coins. I want it all, give it!

Comment Rome did this too (Score 1, Interesting) 285

Free bread, wine and entertainment (usually bloodsports) for the city plebs! Worked out really great for them, really. The gunpoint theft of resources from the productive class and redistribution to the lazy, unwilling, inept and incompetent - it _never_ leads anywhere good. Resource redistribution is dysgenic.

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