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Comment Re:Halo? (Score 1) 207

Actually, it's a hundred percent accurate that this rose from the ashes of Halo. Peter Jackson said in an interview that after the Halo movie fell through he and Neil decided to do D-9 instead. If it wasn't for Halo, Peter Jackson may never have partnered up with Neil. And if it wasn't for Halo getting killed, this film may not have been made.

And here's my reference

Comment Re:I believe what he might be referring to is... (Score 1) 398

Dawkins came up with his brilliant meme idea as merely a way to express that evolution by means of natural selection can occur outside of biology. He wanted to show that evolution was a powerful way of understanding the world in all aspects, not just biology. He was a big promoter of genetic algorithms (computers using evolution to compute stuff) and has even entertained that idea that universes could be evolving in the multiverse, where maybe (in a purely thought-experiment type way) the universes that are best able to produce complexity (including life) reproduce, which could explain why complexity exists at all and why our physical laws are the way they are.

Comment Re:FUCK ARTISTS (Score 1) 317

You're confusing 'is' with 'ought'. Just because the nearly universal practice of pirating can be explained by capitalist theory, it doesn't make it morally right.

This is similar to how the supporters of social darwinism misunderstood the lesson of natural selection. Just because nature chooses the fittest, it doesn't mean we 'ought' to do the same.

Comment Re:Jenny McCarthy (Score 2, Insightful) 1056

Unfortunately, not being vaccinated also affects rational people in the community. Some kids cannot get vaccines due to allergies, and there's a percentage of kids who do get vaccinated, but it is ineffective. These kids rely on other kids to be vaccinated, in order to reduce their chance of exposure. This is called her immunity. For herd immunity to be effective, it is believe that a 95% vaccination rate is required. The MMR vaccine has now fallen below that rate in the UK thanks to pseudo-scientists like Andrew Wakefield.

Comment Re:Whats next? (Score 1) 1056

ooohhh, injection of doses of different things! Guess what, we also feed them doses of different things.

The fact is that there are more antigens (threats to their immune system) on the tip of their cute little nose than there are in a vaccine shot. This is the latest argument from the anti-vaccine wingnuts, "Too much too soon." It's a complete non-sequitur. They cannot define too much nor too soon and is not based on science at all. Of course, they only come to this latest tactic because their last ones have all failed: "It's the mercury stupid" or "MMR causes a bowel problem that leads to autism"

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