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Dead Pigs Used To Investigate Ocean's "Dead Zones" 106

timothy writes "As places to study what happens to corpses, the Atlantic Ocean is both much larger and much more specialized than the famous 'body farm' in Knoxville, TN. But for all kinds of good reasons, sending human bodies into Davy Jones' locker just to see where they float and how they bloat is unpopular. Pigs don't pay taxes, and more importantly, they don't vote. So Canadian scientists have taken to using them as human-body proxies, to study what happens when creatures of similar size and hairlessness (aka, us) end up 86ed and in the drink."

Antarctic's First Plane, Found In Ice 110

Arvisp writes "In 1912 Australian explorer Douglas Mawson planned to fly over the southern pole. His lost plane has now been found. The plane – the first off the Vickers production line in Britain – was built in 1911, only eight years after the Wright brothers executed the first powered flight. For the past three years, a team of Australian explorers has been engaged in a fruitless search for the aircraft, last seen in 1975. Then on Friday, a carpenter with the team, Mark Farrell, struck gold: wandering along the icy shore near the team's camp, he noticed large fragments of metal sitting among the rocks, just a few inches beneath the water."

EVE Online Battle Breaks Records (And Servers) 308

captainktainer writes "In one of the largest tests of EVE Online's new player sovereignty system in the Dominion expansion pack, a fleet of ships attempting to retake a lost star system was effectively annihilated amidst controversy. Defenders IT Alliance, a coalition succeeding the infamous Band of Brothers alliance (whose disbanding was covered in a previous story), effectively annihilated the enemy fleet, destroying thousands of dollars' worth of in-game assets. A representative of the alliance claimed to have destroyed a minimum of four, possibly five or more of the game's most expensive and powerful ship class, known as Titans. Both official and unofficial forums are filled with debate about whether the one-sided battle was due to difference in player skill or the well-known network failures after the release of the expansion. One of the attackers, a member of the GoonSwarm alliance, claims that because of bad coding, 'Only 5% of [the attackers] loaded,' meaning that lag prevented the attackers from using their ships, even as the defenders were able to destroy those ships unopposed. Even members of the victorious IT Alliance expressed disappointment at the outcome of the battle. CCP, EVE Online's publisher, has recently acknowledged poor network performance, especially in the advertised 'large fleet battles' that Dominion was supposed to encourage, and has asked players to help them stress test their code on Tuesday. Despite the admitted network failure, leaders of the attacking force do not expect CCP to replace lost ships, claiming that it was their own fault for not accounting for server failures. The incident raises questions about CCP's ability to cope with the increased network use associated with their rapid growth in subscriptions."

Comment I'm using K&R (Score 1) 799

I've signed up as a mentor to teach programming to an interested High School senior, so it isn't a 12 year old. I chose C because, frankly, it is what I know best. Java might be appropriate also but for starting out I think C is a better bet than Java. (I can't address Python since I've barely coded in it.)

The teacher had a copy of K&R, 2nd edition on the shelf. I had them order a second copy for me. We'll start in Februray. Meeting about once a week for the rest of the term but staying in email and Skype video contact.

Wish us luck!

Virtual Visits To Doctors Spreading 215

tresho writes to tell us that virtual doctors visits seem to be on the rise. A new service, most recently deployed in Texas, from "NowClinic" is allowing doctors to make virtual house calls and prescribe anything short of controlled substances. "For $45, anyone in Texas can use NowClinic, whether or not they are insured, by visiting Doctors hold 10-minute appointments and can file prescriptions, except for controlled substances. Eventually they will be able to view patients’ medical histories if they are available. The introduction of NowClinic will be the first time that online care has been available nationwide, regardless of insurance coverage."

Comment Re:I'm still waiting... (Score 1) 205

You might want to try a Macintosh, they are speed sensitive. As I move my finger slowly it moves slowly, you can't even get more than a few hundred pixels. When I move fast, I can move across all 1900 pixels with room to spare. Mice work the same same way, I can barely use a Windows machine because of the mouse/trackpad. Apple really has sweated the details on this one.

Comment Re:Move or Die (Score 1) 865

Finally: "Move where you live": If the first two options aren't viable, then perhaps you should consider that a 90 minute commute is insane under these circumstances. I personally have an hour commute after a 9 hour day.

I second this! Over the past 11 years I've sat in a cube 5 days a week for only 1 full year. I done both part time telecommuting and full time telecommuting the rest of those 11 years. (About half was full time telecommuting.)

Now the original poster clearly can't telecommute but they can shorten their commute (by either moving or quitting). Let me tell you just how beneficial that is. Not commuting my (1 hour+ one way) commute anymore has seriously changed my life for the better. You don't know just how bad traffic is until you are no longer wasting time in it.

Think about this? What is one of the most precious things you have? It is your time. And you waste how much of it in a stressful environment?

Oh, about that year? I had a new boss that didn't "get" telecommuting. That ok, I didn't work on changing him, I worked on changing my job.

Comment HIT your Sun workstation (Score 4, Interesting) 655

Way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, ok not really, but in the late 80s, Sun had a problem with some of their hard drives. When they would park they heads they would stick and you couldn't unpark them. Sun's solution was to tell you to HIT the computer. They even sent us a letter showing you where on the "pizza box" enclosure one would strike.

Comment Take a shower (Score 3, Interesting) 233

I'm serious. I find that I solve many of my hardest problems in the shower. Now that I telecommute 100% of the time I'll often just take one, say in the middle of the afternoon, to jump start the solution!

Obviously the shower has nothing to do with the situation, it is the "stepping back" that is important, so find something that works for you, and do it.

Comment Re:cost THEM money, here's how (Score 1) 361

I just noticed your scare quotes around "friend." Yes, he was. It wasn't me. I waited tables in college for the first 2 summers then wrote code the third.

Writing code paid better and was more fun. I almost didn't graduate because of that. I just wanted to drop out and get a job! Oh man, I cringe when I think about that now.

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