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Comment Re:Of course TikTok (Score 1) 61

Except when Chinese agents approach people to spy on their government or the they will report them for being a member of [insert antigov group here] because of the content they have been consuming and people you are connected to. And that's just me pondering things i'm sure the Chinese intelligence agencies can do a lot more pondering to find ways to use that data to coerce people to spy for them or else.

Comment Tidally locked. Hard pass. (Score 4, Informative) 87

at that close to the host star that planet must be tidally locked and as a result sorry no life on that planet. Also because there's less gravity on starts smaller than our sun those smaller stars cannot hold on to their atmosphere as strong as our sun so the the flares from those stars are generally massive and frequent, Also the planet probably has more mass due to it's increased size and therefore higher gravity than on earth so that may also cause problems with life on that planet.

Comment Re:Disgusting (Score 2) 139

The Expanse was NOT dropped by Netflix it was dropped by SyFY network and amazon picked it up as an Amazon Original on Prime. The Expanse was not dropped again by Prime the season came to an end because it is based on the books. The next thing that happens in the books are 30years into the future so the story had to end at season 6. They are even talking about a new series based on the rest of the books.

Comment Re:Hate Platform = Mass Exedus (Score 1) 215

Well they have been fairly successful with cable news and talk radio platforms. And even using FB to spread their hate far and wide. They don't need to run social media platforms they just need access to them and they will be rather successful because the emotion of hate and fear is not just big business it's massive business.

Comment Re:They're not wrong (Score 0) 75

Just don't use them then. don't use maps, waze, translate, android or any of it. Simple.

That's exactly what he's doing, and now he has a browser that makes it easy for him. So why exactly are you butthurt over it? That someone dares to use the web differently than you do?

He didn't state in the comment I was responding to that he was doing that did he? So that's your assumption. Also what makes you assume i'm butthurt over anything? He was butthurt over those services so i was simply telling him since he is butthurt over those services then just don't use them. It's that simple. no one is forcing anyone to use them either you do or you don't.

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