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Comment Dubious revenue is more like (Score 2) 289

I find it extremely hard to believe that a company whom has failed on so many fronts can post a "record revenue". Let's face it; Windows Phone, Vista, Metro, Xbox One -- all have been either utter failures or fell seriously short of expected sales. If a company can produce "record revenue" from a year like that, then management has problems bigger than just Ballmer.

Comment Re:Crime does pay (Score 0) 111

without the risk of jail time to boot.

That's no guarantee that the next cracker reporting an exploit will be treated the same way. Historically speaking, discreetly reporting a vulnerability usually lands on deaf ears. If you make more noise about it, it you'll most likely end labeled with some malicious tag that the courts love to use to prosecute helpful people for putting a company in a bad light for their lax security.

Comment Bitcoin is a sham (Score 0, Troll) 332

If you wanted to make money on Bitcoin, you needed to be into it 10 years ago Now, The only people making money on Bitcoin from here on out will be:

- People who mined early and gleaned many easy coins
- People with deep pockets for expensive gear (US Gov)
- People selling gear with the promise of striking it rich

Comment It's not cold if you have gear (Score 4, Informative) 684

This is all media drama. Real story here is how most people do not want to layer-up for weather like this. They will chance it wearing jeans, no hat (don't want to mess the 'do) and dressing just warm enough to make it to their car. This works great until car leaves you stranded because injectors gel'd up, or whatever. In this weather, walking a couple miles in the wind wearing only blue jeans, no hat/socks/mitts will easily f- you up. If you need to dress lightly, at least throw some appropriate gear in the trunk in case you *do* need to be out in it. Even new cars can have trouble in extreme cold.

Comment unexpected extra bit of speed (Score 0) 247

I think it's a little premature to call a small difference in gravitational pull a by-product of "dark matter". We know so very little about the things we can actually see, measure, interact with and predict that this smells more like science fiction. Let's get an agreeable unified theory first and also a mathematical system which does not break down at scale. So much of what we know is hacked together out of assumption and week-kneed postulations that talk of dark matter is really little more than mental masturbation at this point.

Comment People in powerful places (Score 4, Insightful) 199

The helplessness Aaron felt must have been overwhelming. When people in high places conspire against you, there is not much left you can do. They are in control of your life and will twist the legal system into whatever they want in order to satisfy their ego. It's a game to them. Shit needs change.

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