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Submission + - Thanks for the Memories: Touring the Awesome Random Access of Old (

szczys writes: The RAM we use today is truly amazing in all respects: performance, reliability, price; all have been optimized to the point you can consider memory a solved problem. Equally fascinating is the meandering path that we've taken over the last half century to get here. Drums, tubes, mercury delay lines, dekatrons, and core memory. They're still as interesting as the day electrons first ran through their circuits. Perhaps most amazing is the cost and complexity, both of which make you wonder how they ever manage to be used in production machines. But here's the clincher: despite being difficult and costly to manufacture, they were all very reliable.

Roku Finally Gets a 2D Menu System 80

DeviceGuru writes "Many of us have griped for years about Roku's retro one-dimensional user interface. Finally, in conjunction with the release of the new Roku 3 model, the Linux-based media streaming player is getting a two-dimensional facelift, making it quicker and easier to access favorite channels and find new ones. Current Roku users, who will now begin suffering from UI-envy, will be glad to learn that Roku plans to push out a firmware update next month to many earlier models, including the Roku LT, Roku HD (model 2500R), Roku 2 HD, Roku 2 XD, Roku 2 XS, and Roku Streaming Stick. A short demo of the new 2D Roku menu system is available in this YouTube video."

Comment Re:One change (Score 1) 453

My Acer Iconia Tab A700 almost fits this description.

It doesn't have a full sized USB port, but it does come with a micro to full-sized USB adapter, which is a reasonable compromise as far as I'm concerned. The USB port supports every USB device I've tried, including keyboard and storage devices ranging from thumb drives up to a 1TB portable hard drive.

It has a micro SD card slot.

It has (micro) HDMI out.

Has built-in GPS, though no offline maps. That would be nice, I agree.

I don't know why this thing hasn't sold better - it's a fine tablet whose only major flaw seems to be "not a NEXUS".

The $450 price tag would be my guess? Drop it to $300 and I would buy it.

Comment Re:Progress! (Score 1) 215

Both Airbus and Boeing have their extensive history as industry leaders to shield them. People would assume a design flaw being the cause in a startup company will give Airbus and Boeing a pass and assume either pilot error or poor maintenance by the airline.

Comment Re:Progress! (Score 1) 215

What I want to know is when someone is going to take on the jetliner market. Maybe a SpaceX-like company could come along and eat into that market a swell. Then Airbus will join Boeing and the others in complaining and sweating. :)

I would venture to guess that the safety requirements for an airliner are much higher than an unmanned rocket. If a SpaceX rocket has an issue, there is money lost, but they will be able to analyze the problem and get it right the next time. If a startup builds a jet that goes down due to a design or mechanical flaw, the loss of life and subsequent lawsuits will put it out of business.

Comment Re:Nailheads being hit... (Score 1) 670

What's the phrase that my boss uses?

"You should be happy you have a job to go to. A lot of people don't." ...and like that, the boss has just discouraged everyone from taking a sick day when needed.

I would expect my employees to start looking for a new job if I had this attitude. A good boss will realize that if the staff is living in fear of being fired, the quality of the work they do is going to be impacted. I want my employees to enjoy coming to work and to not feel guilty if they are sick and either need to leave early or not come in at all.

If an employee tries to take advatage of this, I will deal with that specific situation, not create a blanket policy to hide behind.

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