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Comment Re:One man's game (Score 4, Insightful) 106

You, as many slashdot users, seem to be a bit confused on the meaning of the word democracy. The concept you seem to be referring to is that of direct democracy. Most democracies today are representative democracies, in which the "rule of the people" is carried out by their elected representatives. It is not at odds with the concept of republic: most western countries are republics (of varied kinds), and they're all (all that I can think of) democratic.

Comment Nice list you got there (Score 1) 43

The iPhone, Blackberry's Storm and Bold lines, and many Symbian and Android handsets


And many/most Windows Mobile smartphones had it too, before half of these even existed. And it's not like they're at a disadvantage for "GPS games", e.g. Geocaching Live is only available for Java/WinMo. I know this is Slashdot, but come on...

Comment Re:Just add to the EULA... (Score 1) 140

In Canadian English, the word government is used to refer both to the whole set of institutions that govern the country, as well as the current political leadership, although with the latter usage the word is usually capitalized to make the distinction.[2] Thus, Canadians would say that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Government is currently administering the Canadian government. Contrasts can be drawn with the British usage, where the government is referred to as the state, and the American usage, where the Government is referred to as the administration.

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