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Comment Re:Call me Crazy... (Score 1) 354

I honestly doubt Hitler was some record holder for being evil. He is simply the record holder for being successful at acting on his evil nature. I'm sure there are at least dozens of millions of people in the world who'd happily slaughter hundreds of millions of other humans if they had the means and thought they'd get away with it.

Comment Re:guilty eh? (Score 2) 964

Not anymore. Blitzkrieg raids have become SOP for anything more severe than unpaid parking tickets, and will probably remain that way until more citizens start greeting these home invasions with kinetic resistance.

Which would lead to the SOP preemptive kinetic pacification of any residence about to be raided.

Comment Re:Primary Source (Score 1) 588

Let me put it like this. What if the kid was a whiz programmer, and they said he had taught himself "C, C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Lisp, Prolog, and x86 assembly in a week"?

He didn't learn another language. It's more like teaching yourself "Object oriented programming and functional programming in a week."

Comment Re:Unless you are a professional gamer... (Score 1) 124

I don't know about $700, but I bought an 8800GTX when they were top of the range at ã320 ($640 at the time). It's been 5 years since then, and I can play Bioshock 2, Crysis, CoD:MW2, Prototype, loads of games which came out in the past year (hell, month) at native 1920x1200 at over 40fps (I'd call it a day at 30).

There's no way a 8800GTX can get a relatively steady 40fps on Crysis at 1920x1200 unless you lower the settings to Medium. Maybe even a mix of Low and Medium.

Comment Re:Request for a new video card benchmark (Score 1) 124

According to this review, the 590 is actually pretty quiet.

The clock speeds were purposely lowered in order to keep the acoustics in check. This differs from AMD's explanation of down-clocking the core clock speed in the Radeon HD 6990 in order to keep power levels down within spec. AMD has focused majorly on power efficiency this generation, and NVIDIA is focusing on acoustics. To this, I will say that NVIDIA has succeeded. At idle and at full load while gaming, I simply could not hear this video card.

Comment Re:Kind'a (Score 1) 342

1. StarDust. An excellent movie that did not get even a fraction of the marketing and any of the awards Hollywood hands out to all kinds of cr*p.

Actually I saw plenty of TV trailers for Stardust. The problem is that they were not representative of the actual movie at all. I saw the movie on a whim, expecting some generic fantasy attempting to hitch a ride LotR's coattails. Instead I was blown away by the humor and energy of the film.

Comment Re:Lets face it (Score 1) 342

Along with I, Robot. Just, completely ignored the real point

Actually while the I, Robot movie ignored the plot, it got the point pretty well - the entire short story collection was about the unforseen consequences of the Three Laws. And robots developing on their own the "Zeroth Law of Robotics - Protect Humanity", which supersedes the First Law, was taken from the last Robots novel - Robots And Empire.

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