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Comment Re:Not again... (Score 3, Insightful) 1110

Windows 8 is a great OS, better than 7 in every way, but since the start menu changed, its obviously trash. Humanity is just dumb.

Two things come to mind:

He is correct that its usability suffers from Metro and the abrupt changes to the UI when it is being pushed so hard. One of many points made in the video was that people who have never used it will find it very confusing because in more ways than one the UI gets in the way. Microsoft trying to have its cake and eat it too is what is causing all this grief. Instead of doing like Apple did with the change from OS9 to OS10 and dropping legacy and backwards compatibility to go with the new paradigm they want to maintain backwards compatibility. This is because Microsoft fears backlash from both its main customers, big businesses and governments, and the developers for those businesses and governments. Worse, they really made it for the tablet market all the while still trying to hold onto the laptop / desktop market with it. The point made in the video of the differences between a mouse / touchpad and touchscreen are valid.

To do it right, Metro should NOT be the default interface if you are installing it to a machine without a touchscreen just as the "classic" should not be the default if you are installing it to a tablet. They are different beasts. A tablet is more for viewing content than it is a great workhorse for making that content no matter what Microsoft or Apple may think. An even better solution is to do two different products. One for the tablets and one for the desktop / laptop and let the consumers choose which they really want for what products. Again, that too was pointed out in this video.

The second observation of your post deals with your contempt for humans. It is those very humans that Microsoft is trying to impress. There is a very, very large segment of the population that are not pleased with the Metro interface that Microsoft really wants to go with. The so called "fix" of downloading a second application to eliminate it as the advice that is often given is proof enough of that dislike. Calling that many people names isn't the way to win over support.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 0) 346

Sure. Let's joke about posting personal pictures of a non-consenting party.

No, I take issue with this waste of money:

The hackers arrest in October 2011 stemmed from an 11-month investigation into the hacking of over 50 entertainment industry names, many of them young female stars. Hacked pictures of Johansson showed her in a state of undress in a domestic setting.

If they didn't want these pictures out there then they shouldn't have had them taken. They shouldn't have kept them in an electronic form or on any item connected to the internet. It is their own fault.

But the bigger picture is the waste of taxpayer money as the FBI spends 11 months working at the behest of Hollywood. No wonder the people want to disband the federal government with actions like this.

Comment Re:If nothing else..... (Score 1) 1061

No one needs to protect speech that does not offend the majority.

And no one needs to protect them when they spew their hate. Let them take the consequences of their speech. After all, speech does have consequences.

I think the best thing that could happen would be for all of the victims families to sue for slander sequentially one after the other. Cost them an arm and a leg defending that. Being tied up in court should keep them off the streets at night.

Comment Re:Why do I have to BE at a lecture? (Score 1) 196

I can see the OPs point. If you know the subject being lectured then you should be able to clep out of it. Take the exam and if you can pass it then you have the credit and can move on. Having to sit through a lecture that you could probably give is boring as all hell. Attendance policies ensures that people who don't belong there are disrupting the lesson for those that do all because some asshat set a policy of failure if you aren't there.

Comment Re:Spy? C'mon (Score 1) 235

And exactly how do they do that without reading what you have on their services? That is the definition of spying. How they use the knowledge they gain is irrelevant and also your suggestion that they aren't selling it elsewhere doesn't mean they won't in the future. That is hardly hyperbole and if it isn't considered when deciding whether to use their services then that isn't helpful.

Comment Re:Increasingly typical police behavior (Score 1) 936

It isn't the iPhone that got her into trouble (bad summary as usual) but the fact that she refused to leave private property when asked several times I'm sure with each time becoming more belligerent on her part. You know, "you can't tell me where to go..." type stuff. That still only makes her guilty of trespass which I'm sure is not an excuse for tasering her unless she also resisted the attempt to arrest her for the said trespass.

Comment Re:Question (Score 2) 780

Is the amount we put into corporate welfare good in keeping them off the streets and giving them a helping hand to get past some hard times in their corporate life, or is it a disincentive for them to change life, because they are getting everything they need without having to work for it? Why isn't there more balanced study and working to try to get the correct balanced where every dollar in taxes that go to corporate welfare will go to more good and less leaching.


Comment Re:Question (Score 5, Insightful) 780

Don't be angry with Google for following laws that allow them to pay less in taxes than you think they should, be angry at the lawmakers that craft the laws that allow them to do so.

There is plenty of anger for them both and then some. Your argument is specious because those same corporations are buying those same politicians specifically to favor them with laws written by the corporation lobbyists. Of course the tax system favors them since they wrote the tax loopholes this dumb ass CEO is espousing as virtuous.

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