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Comment Response time (Score 1) 16

Every couple years, some streaming service is announced as the next big thing, and without fail, that service crashes and burns. Every. single. time.
The response times are just too high for serious gaming. These are hobbyists who spend hundreds to knock 10 ms off their display response, but game companies pitch streaming with triple digit response times and expect us to rush to their open arms.
Whoever's pushing this game streaming, they're not doing it for the benefit of gamers.

This is Microsoft's baby, they'll keep throwing money and talent at it until it succeeds, probably with slow paced games.

Comment Re:Wtf? (Score 1) 289

It's not as simple as that.

Obscenity not protected by the first amendment if it passes the miller test, from wikipedia:

The Miller test was developed in the 1973 case Miller v. California. It has three parts:

Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,

Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law,

Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

The work is considered obscene only if all three conditions are satisfied.

Comment Re:If we're going to survive long term (Score 1) 352

Perhaps we shouldn't be dealing with absolutes, is intelligence hereditary or isn't it? Perhaps it isn't a Boolean value at all. I'll suggest that intelligence has more to do with parenting and nutrition than with genes but discounting genes entirely is foolish.

In such a complex organism as the Human being, wouldn't it be some great combination of factors that align to form genius?

Comment Re:Please Stop (Score 1) 333

If you read the article here, it feels like yellow journalism, things only said to bring hits to a site or draw comments. Watch the video, you'll see that Woz is a level headed geek, he says the sorts of things that everyone here can agree with and the points given in this article are just a few tiny pieces of what he mentions in the video.

Comment Re:Razor products (Score 3, Interesting) 249

I also loved my Naga, until owning it for just over a year when the buttons wore out and stopped reliably clicking. Mind you, the cord's braiding was faulty from day one and my regular optical mouse has better tracking on most surfaces. Still, great shape and idea. I just wish Logitech would make a gaming mouse with a bajillion buttons so I wouldn't have to put up with Razer's poor quality.

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