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Comment Antennagate (Score 1) 374


C'mon, seriously guys... They hired additional "antenna engineers" at Apple shortly after the incident. Having the lead engineer leave, is as the article states, not very likely related. But it's good PR for Apple, not so much for Papermaster if they play it out as the stroman.

In a large organisation like that it's not just "one's" responsability intermediate processes and prioritylitst. For such a slipup you wont likely "point at someone and fire them" unless if it's a PR-stunt to clear the brands name in public.

Comment Re:Something I don't understand (Score 1) 523

Wouldn't ignoring it decrease the chances of people hearing about them and going to read them? Literally millions more people are aware of these documents being leaked thanks to news sources talking about how bad it is that they were leaked.

You don't understand media yet well yet.

This is a pull-out action: they demonstrate "how bad it really is" and needed a swing on the "patriotic" and chauvenistic attitude from the populus.

The media echo's this around, awaring EVERYBODY and thus crafting the public opinion. So John Pack, Six is aware as well of this website "wikileaks" and your grandmother or mom.

Eventually, there will a massive decline of public support "on the war", which is now heavily supported on chauvenism and emulated "patriotism". They'll pull out massively leaving the mess overthere to rot with public support.

Eventually, some puppet will be used as strohman and action on this person will be taken to sush the crowd and to make peace with it.

This is nothing more as an evacuation circus, nothing less. There will be a "common enemy" or one single source/cause appointed and found, smeared out in the media until your grandmother is raging about the things she hears in the news that are so unjust she would torch this strohman with deep passion if she'd have the chance.

As they're pointing to their own government, some skelletons will be crafted and launched to be appearing to fall out of the closet to clean house a bit.

Comment Re:All I knew (Score 1) 350

was being hyped and I needed an invite to use it. Why should it be a big surprise this thing never got wide spread adoption

People used to ebay gmail invites. It took a long time before gmail invites got further out as "only employees" or "family of employees".

But ofcourse, thats why gmail is not wide spread adopted.

They tried to recreate the same momentum, but the software wasn't ready; I've used wave but it was a horrid mess to start with. So after trying to write documentation and an analysis with colleagues trying the "replay" functionality and collaboration options. But it soon became frustration.

Online people complained it felt like they were on an island: you needed other wave-using people to actually get down with it. So google opened up the system and threw invites like a pedophile at children but it never really caught on.

Comment Re:Alien abduction - never robots (Score 1) 205

I guess there's no point in rationalizing hallucinations or just plain made up stories

What about all these people who were captured by Science Fiction in the 40s, 50s and up?

Even in the USSR they had a broad spectrum of inspiring Science Fiction.

Wherever it was an active effort to get people engaged or wherever it's been just entertainment and exploring the possible future or not-so-likely... You cannot disregard it has inspirated and driven alot of people towards a certain direction, imprented certain dreams to follow or dedicated themselves to achieve such a thing.

Without these "made up stories", nobody would've imagined going to the moon.

Comment EU already did it (Score 4, Informative) 97

EU already has a simular technology in place.

You can get the analysis at wikileaks: EU social network spy system brief, INDECT Work Package 4

"The aim of work package 4 (WP4) is the development of key technologies that facilitate the building of an intelligence gathering system by combining and extending the current state-of-the-art methods in Natural Language Processing (NLP). One of the goals of WP4 is to propose NLP and machine learning methods that learn relationships between people and organizations through websites and social networks. Key requirements for the development of such methods are: (1) the identification of entities, their relationships and the events in which they participate, and (2) the labelling of the entities, relationships and events in a corpus that will be used as a means both for developing the methods."

Comment Re:What is up with this site lately? (Score 1) 161

I have the simular sensation, and not just this site but alot of fluffy content: The internet was a geek-out place for the last decade.

Now it's just like "interaction television" and advertizing is taking over wheras it used to be a common technological playground.

I wonder who still is getting experimental instead of "studying frameworks", and trying to figure things out?

News online is diluted and reintrepreted from only a few main sources (everything is echo'd around, reaggregated, reposted, retweeted, ...)

I really lack authentic content and people doing new significant things instead of facebooking and being scuked into online pseudo social life or rehash over rehash over rehash over rehash.

Really, it seems this decade people are only watching screens and pushing buttons.

For me it was superawesomely cool to push some buttons, and have a physical result (driving hardware) now all feels very virtual; it has quasi no meaning when you turn off your PC and you're not "interacting".

Comment Re:turn people against one another... (Score 1) 130

And in case you have not heard, people of been reporting their neighbors forever in the US.

I believe in the US it's because people are selfish and want to fuck eachother over.

In communists countries, people fear imprisonment or "dissapearing", being checked or whatever by not doing your "duty".

Simularly, there are "government informants": say you have a goverenmt informant living in your building, you wont know he or she works for the government, you just see the people "doing crime" being taken away.

I've been in Belarus, the absence of crime was staggering, just by the fact "everybody could be an informant". And not "because everybody doesn't care about others and want to fuck them over". It might sound utopian, but it's control and inducing fear of retaliation.

Comment Re:Somebody call the waaaambulance (Score 5, Interesting) 1018

Maybe they are excellent programmers, but bad business men. It doesn't mean they deserve to have their blood sucked from them.

I used to write stockmarket software for a global supplier. Nice stuff, through this software ran billions a day, direct feed to the stockmarket-floor.

Now I work as a consultant for a consultancy firm, to get this contract they had a "fixed entermediate consultancy firm", who took 10% profit on my price just to put me into the company. (under their labels and what not)

So I filled in timesheets for my employers, the intermediate party and for the client. It wasn't very clear why I was filling in timesheets for the client as well, but it turned out my work was billed to their clients billing my work per hour with a factor of 2.5 on my price because they could.

This effectively resulted in me working hard, virtually for free, and generating profit for 4 companies (employer, intermediator, client, clients' client) while my pay was insulting for the work I've put out (under 8% of the cash my work generated).

If you want to keep your devs productive and happy, you should spoil them a bit and they'll put out. But I know alot with the same sentiments and effectively migrating to management hoping they'll make their big bucks, often resulting in incompetent management.

Comment Re:Farmville! (Score 1) 293

Unless they can get Farmville ported to an open platform most facebook users will never leave no matter hope open or technically superior an alternative is.

I don't know, I "deactivated" my facebook. And felt disconnected, as all my contacts are integrated on my Android system and everybody is communicating in that fashion. (when I did, people from all over the world started texting asking me wherever I died.)

The "Farmville" and other apps like that are on ignore on my facebook.

The same with holiday pictures: instead of having to show alot of people my pictures, I just dump them on facebook; who cares looks at them (people who were there, family, ...), who doesn't ignores them while it takes me only once a small effort compared to physically have someone sit next to you watching or to setup a dedicated site/album/... with only the pictures to see. (there's a seemingless integration aspect).

So yes, I would hop on the opensource bandwagon as I don't want to be locked into a service which acts questionably with my data. And I'm certain once this is available, there's the possibility to migrate your data through the facebook API and aggregate your content to other services from your opensource driven base.

This discussion has come up quite a few times already: "are we going to decentralize our social activity online" "are we going to opensource it" "can we still trust facebook" "what about privacy? it's all so obscure", "what about security with my data?", ...

When will we see actual implementations? Are they too busy facebooking? In the 90s people made websites from scratch with cats, animated gifs *and* wrote alot of software for the fun of it and the experimentat and not so much being stuck in just the "dreaming up phase" or "plausability analysis".

Comment Re:And Then What Will You Do With It? (Score 4, Insightful) 194

So you're strangely addicted to staring at male genetalia

No, it's serendipity, not knowing what (experience) you'll get next, it might be something way out of your frame of reference, which gives a sense of something possibly entirely new by the click of a button.

While for others it's a way to express themselves creatively, experiment and test the boundaries in a social setting without negative consequences.

You were quasi annonymous, you could reinvent yourself over while knowing your chatpartner wont see or meet you again if you don't want to, while testing how to entertain, shock or interact with people.

It's just normal that such a platform brings out also sexual fantasies and desires in people, but there's a whole lot more to such a platform imho.

fe. see the piano dude, as there are many more of these type of people.

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