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Comment Re:Yes, clearly misinterpreted (Score 1) 324

I just don't want to see green flames and purple pictures of the WTC Towers. And where are the people jumping?

I mean, how far do you take it? I have a feeling a lot of people's problems is the coloring book to light heartedness relationship. I know it's mine, I don't want to hide kids from 9/11 nor do I want to shove it down their throats.

So, while I'll have discussions with young kids, watch news footage with older ones, and visit the memorial with both I don't want plush toys, coloring books or theme songs.

Comment Re:Wrong move (Score 5, Insightful) 324

A decision by a government agency to stop selling a book that upset some people.

Censorship would be if FEMA removed the book from their website, and then told the publisher to stop publishing it.

Extreme cases would then involve removing it from book stores, schools and homes... but that wouldn't be necessary. FEMA taking it off its own website though, not censorship. I don't link to slashdot on my home page, am I guilty of censorship against slashdot?

Comment Re:New features are irrelivant... (Score 2, Informative) 662

The benchmarks for what? I don't know whether or not I'm losing a percent or two for number crunching... but I do know that the UI feel is a lot faster, they've really improved load times and the lag from switching between programs.

I do think I've lost an FPS or two in certain games... and I may have lost a second or two on compiles (though I doubt that one)... but for the day to day benchmarks that actually matter to me it certainly seems faster.

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