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Comment Re:OS vs lib (Score 1) 553

The basic difference is like a $400 graphics card versus Mesa. In the strictest sense it would work but the performance penalty is too ridiculous to make it viable. The library alternative wouldn't be able to take advantage of OS resources which any sane implementation would rely on like the page table and would still pay the costs of OS overhead that the design would normally make redundant running on bare iron, like process isolation.

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 555

You're starting from the assumption that they're mostly concerned about some devotion to standards and interoperability and that they wouldn't just make their own proprietary alternative. I think it's far more likely that they'll move in the direction of a partitionable fully managed environment running on top of a very thin hardware abstraction layer. It'd be the equivalent of booting the computer into a .NET or Java VM, but without anything in between that and the hardware other than an exokernel. The Midori project is doing something like this, and speculation points to Azure extending that model to provide utility/cloud computing.

Microsoft would be able to make a clean break from the older APIs, leaving Windows 7 as the legacy OS able to run .NET apps on top. Azure would be the OS which runs .NET apps natively and could pool dozens of heterogeneous commodity servers into one virtual megaserver. Linux would have Mono, but there's nothing that would compete against it directly until someone could formulate an alternative. In the meantime Microsoft would have a fairly lucrative market to themselves while drawing more people to .NET.

Comment Re:WHY is apache different? (Score 1) 440

Windows hasn't used that security model in almost a decade now. Now it uses a role-based security model which provides the same protections as the Unix group-based model, albeit more flexibly and with finer-grained control. That's proven itself to be quite robust: The problems arise largely from code execution exploits in software using the network like Internet Explorer and from the users themselves. UAC and not running by default in Administrator mode help prevent some of the nastiest, but there's still a lot of nasty stuff that's still possible. Deleting a person's home directory usually hits them far worse than anything else because if they didn't back it up, it's gone, while the other stuff is just a reinstall away. Botnets only require being able to run software which can poll somewhere else to pick up orders, to send mail in some manner, to stick that program in a hidden directory with the same name as an important long-running system process and make it executable and finally to set it to run every time they log in. For a single user system run by the proverbial grandmother, that's just as effective as whatever crazy elaborate scheme any hacker can cook up.

Abused IT Workers Ready To Quit 685

An anonymous reader writes to tell us that new research is suggesting as many as a quarter of all IT staff in small to medium businesses have suffered some sort of abuse and are looking for careers elsewhere (PDF). "The study also found that over a third have suffered from sleepless nights or headaches as a result of IT problems at work, while 59 percent spend between one and 10 hours a week working on IT systems outside normal hours. ... The biggest cause of stress among IT staff is problems arising from operational day-to-day tasks, the survey found. Another major cause came from loss of critical data, according to Connect."

Comment Re:The real problem (Score 1) 465

The RTC is used for a variety of purposes even if it doesn't need the current year. Anything where the player waits even for a few seconds uses that clock or the interrupt timer. Linux uses the interrupt timer by default in those cases, but it initializes the timer and synchronizes it against the RTC if it exists to protect against drift and to account for leap seconds and the like.

The Secret Origins of Microsoft Office's Clippy 263

Harry writes "Most folks think that Microsoft Office's Clippy, Microsoft Bob, and Windows XP's Search Assistant dog were perverse jokes — but a dozen years' worth of patent filings shows that Microsoft took the concept of animated software 'helpers' really, really seriously, even long after everyone else realized it was a bad idea. And the drawings those patents contain are weirdly fascinating." The article, a slide show really, spreads over 15 pages.

Comment Re:I don't see it (Score 1) 197

Tablets didn't fail so much as tablet PCs failed. Stuff like cell phones, GPS units, book readers, personal media players, PDAs, smart remote controls and the like are all quite successful and available as small tablets, but they're not PCs. Designing a bigger and better one of those is more natural than trying to make a laptop usable without a keyboard.

Inside the Active Volcano On Montserrat 42

Roland Piquepaille writes "An international team of researchers has begun collecting imaging data on the Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat, which has been erupting regularly since 1995. They're using the equivalent of a CAT scan to understand its internal structure and how and when it erupts. The experiment is dubbed SEA-CALIPSO and 'will use air guns and a string of sensors off the back of a research ship combined with sensors on land to try to image the magma chamber.' Early results are surprising. Quoting one of the leading scientists: 'The interesting thing is that much more magma is erupting than appears represented by the subsiding bowl. ... The magma volume in Montserrat eruptions is much larger than anyone would estimate from the surface deformation, because of the elastic storage of magma in what is effectively a huge magma sponge.'"

Comment Re:64 bit Java? (Score 1) 387

After 1.6_10 and JavaFX, they're effectively one and the same. There's a JavaFX demonstration of an experimental feature where you can drag the Applet from its spot in the page and it becomes a regular JWS application with only the slightest pause as it spawns a new OS-level container. I'm pleasantly surprised to see all that Sun's done to improve Applets even after they've mostly failed in the market.

Comment Re:sorry (Score 1) 185

If the new codecs work the same way image formats do, you just put the new set of codecs in a jar, stick them in the extension directory, and then every single Java app can use them with no further configuration.

Comment Re:You mean physical memory right :-) (Score 1) 983

I figured they just kept one zeroed page and made it copy-on-write so that it's not actually cleared out until it's actually needed. That way if you decide that you want every program you run to have a 32 MB stack and they only use 128 kB on average, they've all got room to grow without using much real RAM. It also eliminates the need to handle a special zeroing operation since copy-on-write of a zero page would do the exact same thing.

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