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Comment Metromile vs Automatic (Score 1) 150

I bought the Automatic for $99.95. I had a number of issues with it. When I found out about Metromile for free I decided to give that a try as well.

There were a number of things I liked about the Automatic app but the Metromile just seemed to work much better (didn't lose trips) and it was free. If you're gonna be tracked while driving, I'd recommend the Metromile device.

Comment Re:Summary of techniques used? (Score 1) 54

FFMPEG is a program that supports hundreds of Codecs. It's likely they used a H264 or a compatible variant as the actual codec because a) its currently the most commonly used advanced video compression algorithm, b) there is plentiful hardware and software support for encoding / decoding, and c) it has a very good tradeoff for quality, bitrate, and processing horsepower required.

There is no guarantee you will get keyframes using H264 if you are compressing video without detectable screen cuts. Some H264 compliant codecs, like the very commonly used x264 library (used by FFMPEG), do not even need to have dedicated keyframes at all but rather use a technique called Periodic Intra Refresh to encode videos without keyframes. Periodic Intra Refresh provides much better streaming /live capture performance since it lowers both encode and decode latency for transmission and it lessens the incidence and severity of data rate spikes when using variable bit rate compression schemes.

Comment Re:Hello automation! (Score 1) 1040

Unfortunately this will hit teenagers the most. Contrary to what the supports of the home cherry pick, those who earn minimum wage have the least amount of experience.

Did you know that in the 1980's you could make minimum wage and pay for rent, food, and your college tuition? In fact, minimum wage in the 1980's was around twice the average college bills for in-state tuitions. (While the article I linked was for Ohio, it holds true for most of the country at the time and certainly in WI where I went to college).

Imagine being able to work a minimum wage job part time through college and come out with a degree and little or no debt. While it sounds ludicrous in today's world, this was the reality of America only 30 years ago.

Comment Re:now I never looked into it (Score 1) 420

The difficulty is not the ability to do it, it is that the energy requirements make it economically uncompetitive. Boiling that much water and then collecting the condensation generally takes a LOT of energy which is quite expensive in most cases.

It's worth noting that you can use the energy released by condensation to preheat water before it's boiled as well as use the temperature difference between just condensed water to preheat intake water. If you have high enough efficiency in your heat exchangers, you can significantly lower your energy requirements to boil water.

Comment Re:OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS (Score 1) 144

You're referring to the exploit-mitigation-mitigation in OpenSSL, which indeed couldn't be disabled, as per tedu@openbsd, but OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS was a separate option that noone has volunteered to claim of not working.

OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS has since been made the default and only option in LibreSSL, and the heartbeats were removed.

But even with OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS, if you are using a faulty allocator that lets you read data that has already been freed, you will still may be able to come up with other exploits (which are highly likely to exist in complicated software) that will let you read that data that you thought was "gone".

Comment Re:People forget the massive power in numbers (Score 1) 465

Except it doesn't work that way at all. Analysis of political contributions show that the wealthy donate disproportionately more. A mere 0.01% of the population (27,000 donors out of a population of 304M) are responsible for about a quarter of political donations (24.3%).

In the video game industry, we see a similarity with profits on "free to play" games where the vast majority of profits comes from the top few percent of "whales".

The truth is, most people won't part with large sums of money unless they have a lot of disposable income (or poor judgment). In politics, the "whales" are typically the richest of the rich - the top fraction of a percent.

Comment Re:Compiler option (Score 4, Interesting) 144

Yes it did. You were not vulnerable if you have built OpenSSL with the feature disabled.

Except that OpenSSL actually didn't run with the "feature disabled" (internal freelist-based memory allocator) due to uninitialized memory bugs in OpenSSL that required newly allocated blocks of certain types to have memory set in them from previously freed blocks. See details here.

Comment Price for Bitrate / Resolution? (Score 1) 347

I'd be ok with a price for bitrate or quality.

You can have a much smaller / lower quality file (SD'ish) for a smartphone than for a 60" TV (where you want at least 720 and probably 1080).

They already charge a higher rate for HD movies than SD movies on a number of streaming rental sites so it's not even a "future" rental model.

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