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Comment Re:I don't get the Smart Cars (Score 2) 66

Was curious about this myself. My Corolla get's 34mpg highway which is 99% of my driving. There is no incentive be it green or financial to own a hybrid/electric. For me though, a car is a car is a car. I do not use it as a status symbol. Folks that do use thier cars as a status symbol may see it different.

Comment Re:So, to translate: (Score 1) 1303

This is wrong on so many levels. "made to clean thier schools". It's a sign up. Poor kids would be in fierce competition to get that job. It doesn't force them to be janitors thier whole lives. It gives them thier first job where they learn responsibility. Hopefully learn from the man above them and take on more responsibility. It an entitlement mentality, you assume that when you graduate, you should be given a corner office and stock options. In actuality, you have to start somewhere. As far as the comments on Romney, it is so far off basis, there is really nothing to say. I'm not sure who told you that, but at least we know why drugs are a controlled substance. Your seriously going to use Detroit as an example of how unions are a good thing? Really? Here is a clue, declaring an emergency is a last ditch effort you are FORCED into because you are BROKE. You are REQUIRED by law to balance your budget. You can't take a vote to decide if your broke or not.

Comment Re:No, the US has too much freedom for Apple. (Score 1) 1303

This is blatanly false. Apple followed the laws. If you also follow laws, you will not go to jail. If you donate to a charity, should you go to prison for tax evasion? Take a deduction for your kids? If so, you are a dirty tax dodging scumbag? Don't get all high and mighty on companies. The tax laws allow it, get the tax laws changed. You "understanding" about government creating jobs is based on the (wrong) assumption that all the money was the governments FIRST, then Apple stole it. Government does not create jobs. It's very simple math. There is NO MATH that shows government is capable of creating jobs. Here is something a lot of people do not realize and it's really frustrating. The government doesn't actually have money. They must take it from someone else in order to spend it...

Comment Re:This device empowers criminals. (Score 1) 575

Noting that if there was a shooting match, you would not have been posting today. How did the criminals get guns if they are illegal? Cultural thing? Yeah, I'm with you. Your situation would make me lose sleep every night knowing that I'm only alive because a criminal with a firearm chose to let me live.. That's just me though. Would a firearm have worked out in the situation? Probably not. I look at it like this, I have more options than someone who is not carrying.. Just me though. Only two countries in the world allow thier own police officers to carry a firearm off duty. America and Israel. For me, that is thought provoking.

Comment Re:This device empowers criminals. (Score 1) 575

There is generally a seperator that most forget. One: Went to a 10 hour firearms class, led by a NRA certified CCW instructor (hard ticket to get btw). Briefed and given copies of state law, show video examples, 2 hours of range time. Sheriffs office did a background check of every county I've resided in since I was 18 (20 years worth), fingerprinted, photographed and issued a license after my $70 fee. Two:is carrying illegally.

Comment Re:This device empowers criminals. (Score 1) 575

My CCW class (ohio) we were taught that in any engagment with law enforcement, always tell them you have a license to carry. Don't EVER start the conversation with "I have a gun". In my opinion, police have way to much to deal with for you to be an asshole and they are generally good folks. Pulled over for a speeding ticket, I put my wallet/insurance on the dashboard, rolled down the windows and kept both hands on the steering wheel until I informed the officer about my firearm. He just said, "thanks for that." like he couldn't care less (didn't bother looking at CCW), went on about the process of ticketing me (deserved).

Comment Re:This device empowers criminals. (Score 1) 575

Just like bluffing in poker by going all in. Your right every time, except the last :). Good for you for not carrying a firearm. I honestly hope your right. I, however, have been trapped in a hotel room (thank god for metal doors), my wife crying in the bathroom while we wait 57 years (just over 8 minutes) for the police to arrive. I will never, EVER feel that helpless again. I will no longer travel by air. I will not ever again visit New York. It's sad, I really liked that place. Just not willing to take that chance with my life, and the life of my family again.

Comment Re:This device empowers criminals. (Score 1) 575

So, don't carry a firearm because your chances of getting killed are low. Gotcha. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with you not carrying a firearm. That's your choice. As long as your reasoning for not carrying one doesn't affect my right/responsibility to protect myself/family/loved ones isn't impaired, we're cool.

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