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Comment Re:Public Power Revisited (Score 2, Insightful) 162

They didn't "force" electrification, instead the Government provided loans to local electrification cooperatives -- in other words, the small communities that you are talking about. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rural_Electrification_Administration
Read up on it, the situation is very analogous: large companies refusing to provide service, yet claiming the government was not allowed to compete with them or regulate them.

Comment Using /dev/null with find/grep (Score 1) 2362

Here's a simple one.
Let's say you are looking for a file that has a certain string in it. (I'll use "foobar" because I'm a traditionalist.) You probably already know
find . -type f -exec grep -l foobar {} \;
But the problem is, that only returns the filename, not the line matched. You could drop the "-l", but then you only get the matching line, but not the filename. The quick way to solve the problem is to add a second file to the grep; then grep returns both the filename and the line match. In order to keep things quick and the results pure, the best file to use is /dev/null.
find . -type f -exec grep foobar {} /dev/null \;

Comment Finding where your disk space went. (Score 3, Informative) 2362

ls -l | sort -n +4 -- sorts files in size order, good for finding big files in a directory
du -s * | sort -n -- similar to above, find the biggest files & subdirectories of the current dir
du | xdu -- only when you're in X, obviously. Better grain than above, with the ability to drill down into subdirectories

Comment Re:Bah (Score 2, Insightful) 401

Oh, they can make a profit. Just not a profit of the size they would prefer. Remember that, now, they're pulling in $1 for a good song. They liked it better when they were pulling in $15 for an album ... with one good song. Okay, that's unfair to a lot of artists who put out albums that were more good than bad -- but even if you're talking about an album with only good songs on it (and I don't think it's unfair to say that there aren't very many of those), it's still only $8 or $9 to buy all the songs individually. eg: "Bat ouf of Hell," which I think has all solid songs, only has 7 of them.

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