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Comment Re:Not Ajax (Score 1) 148

iPhone = 1G, iPhone 3G = 2G, iPhone 3GS = 3G, next iPhone = 4G, for values of G equal to Generation. Hint #G doesn't have to refer to the network. Apple products have traditionally been referred to by the generation scheme as in: "I have a 5th generation iPod," or " I have a 3rd generation MacBook."

Comment Re:3...2...1... Wake up! (Score 1) 617

Me: *double tap home*
Me: *touch girlfriend's name*
Girly: *slides to answer*
Girly: Hi honey.
Me: Hey babe, ever have a problem making a call with you're iPhone?
Girly: No never, why do you ask?
Me: Some guy on /. says he tried to make a call and "ooops".
Girly: What? Is he retarded? Both our Moms and your little sister -- a cheerleader I might add -- have never had a problem with their iPhones.
Me: I know right. They've asked us for help with every other device they've owned, but not once with the iPhone.
Girly: So true. How is the CS project going?
Me: So, so. I keep reading /. ...
Girly: I don't know why you waste your time with that site.
Me: Me either. How is grading going?
Girly: Well you know these intro to CS kids...
Me: ha, bet they could make phone calls on their iPhones?
Girly: Your cat can make a call on an iPhone.
Me: Alright I'd better get back to work. Bye babe.
Girly: Bye.
Me: *end call*

Yeah real fucking oops! I don't know where this nonsense comes from about the iPhone not being a usable phone. Newsflash: it's a great phone and so much more.

Sure, maybe it has some comedic value:
Comedian: Did you see the new iPhone from Apple?
Person: No.
Comedian: Well it does everything except make phone calls. Harhar.
Person: What?

Then everyone who as ever touched an iPhone just stares at the you (the comedian) wondering how you managed to get your shoes on the right feet.

Comment Re:They're really trying (Score 1) 463

Where is the fun in that? I can't watch them die if we fire them out of a cannon into the sun. Even if I could point a telescope at the sun and watch them approach, it would be nonspectuaular. The execs would merely disintegrate as they approached the corona. Booooring.

If we fire them out of cannons I would much prefer a skeet shoot. Here is my idea: we find a wide open area and get about 100 music fans and arm them with shotguns, get a cannon, a few truck loads of ASCAP or BMI music CDs, a few dozen of these so-called artist and a record exec. Start off by firing CDs out of the cannon a pallet at a time while the so-called artist and execs watch. Force the so-called artist and execs to wear headphones playing their own quote-unquote music. When you get through the CDs load up an artist into the cannon...oh well you get the idea...

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