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Journal Journal: meta-moderation 1

is bad and wrong. and unnecessary. i don't have time to explain why.
User Journal

Journal Journal: 2006

happy 2*17*59 to everyone who doesn't read this journal.
(especially daniil!)
((and the other special people who i know don't read it.))
and, especially, anyone who does?!
remember, create your own energy this year.

Journal Journal: sigs

Proud member of the American Non Sequitur Society. We might not make much sense, but boy do we love pizza!

This is not a random number: 9274057913024168201547679824013721906754

User Journal

Journal Journal: daniil

Of course he lied. I could see it in his eyes -- all the time he was telling me this story, he never looked me in the eye. He kept avoiding my gaze. So i instantly knew this was not what had happened to him. Well, it probably had, but it was not the thing that had changed him. It had been something else. Something else had happened to him that had changed him.


You know what my problem is?
[ 3 Comments | #114524 ]
Sunday August 14, @04:49PM
User Journal
I think too much, but I ask too few questions.


Of course this isn't really the important thing there. What's important, at least from the consumer's point of view, is that these are Swiss Army mints. And Swiss Army = good. French Army -- not so much so. The name French Army Mints wouldn't probably sell.


The pilot of a Starship once landed on a strange planet and discovered something that he couldn't understand. He destroyed it. Nothing else interesting ever happened to him, as two days later, he choked on a piece of food. These two events were completely unrelated.

That's it.


Then there's the things you can't do with an electronic "letter". You can read it over and over, but there will never be a mark on the letter of you reading it. The letters (err, characters) never wear off. As memory, it is perfect, as it never forgets anything. But such a perfect memory is also quite useless, as it creates nothing new. No information about the reader.


I just realized something
[ 0 Comments | #117907 ]
Thursday September 22, @12:35PM
All Pulp songs are about sex.


1. Peter got drunk and punched Ian in the face. 2. Ian was a wuss and didn't dare to hit him back. 3. But someone still had to pay for this injustice. 4. Ian went home and beat his wife. 5. The next morning, Ian's son asked his mother why she had a black eye. 6. But his mother got angry and hit him in the back of the head. 7. The boy ran out, crying, and hit his dog, Sparky. 8. Sparky bit his hand and ran under the shed. 9. The boy, still crying, went and told his father about it. 10. His father hit him for hitting the dog and then went to work. 11. Blind with anger, Ian didn't even notice how Peter's dog ran right in front of his tractor. 12. Ian ran over the dog. 13. Peter saw his dog being run over. 14. Crying with pain, he buried his dog and then went to the pub to drown his sorrow. 15. Then Ian entered the pub and Peter hit him in the face. 16. Feeling guilty about the dog, Ian didn't dare to hit him back. 17. Filled with resentment, he went home... 18. Therefore, violence is contagious.


63. What's something you're hanging onto that you don't need anymore?
Hey, here's a joke for you: An Estonian man is driving down the road, when he sees a dead crow lying on the road. He stops the car and picks up the crow: "I might need this." Then he opens the drunk and puts the dead bird in there.

A month goes by, and the same man comes driving down the same road. He stops the car right in the same spot where he stopped the last time, opens the trunk, takes out the dead bird and puts it back in the place he found it: "Didn't need it after all."

I have two desk drawers full of dead birds.


Here's Lenin's brilliant prediction of the existence of subatomic particles even smaller than the electron*, as it's given in "Materialism and Empiriocriticism" (Chapter 5.2)



Hell is not other people; it is yourself.



Journal Journal: i like this game

but i refuse to call it a 'meme'

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Turn to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

the 5th and final sentence on page 23: "During the lessons, you learn when subnetting is necessary, how and when to use a default subnet mask, how to define a custom subnet mask, and how to create a range of valid IP addresses for each subnet."

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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
