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Comment Re:Noscript (Score 5, Insightful) 230

That's what noscript is for. With noscript, your browser doesn't even download the .js files.

That's fine and dandy. IF.

If you don't care to see or experience the vast majority of web sites on the Intertubes today.

Honestly, when I see (yet another) pious elitist bleating about no-script or whatever, I wonder: Why don't you just surf in Lynx?

If you're surfing with no-script, you're missing 75% of the Internet. If it's not the 75% you want to see and or experience, than good for you. But bleating about the creative uses of JavaScript on the World Wide Web is old news.

Comment Re:I'm confused. (Score 1) 319

Wait, I'm confused. Is this an iPhone? Wait, is it really 2010? This thing isn't getting copy and paste? Man, what a STUPID decision.

This is the icing on the cake for you? How about that is is as closed as the iPhone, you can't even run native code on it (unless you are a "partner")?

Comment Re:"Salon" impresses me (Score 1) 347

Hm... wouldn't we normally call it entrapment if...

DUDE! Are you not paying attention? It's *ALL* a set-up by the Pentagon to make Wikileaks unattractive to potential leakers. This Army guy is in on it, he'll probably get a fucking Achievement Medal and a trip to Officer's Candidate School out of it.

I mean, turn in your tin-foil hat dude!

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