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Comment Re:Alcohol? (Score 1) 500

My grandfather was a former alcoholic who drank his way through the great depression and ww2. When I was a kid I used to ask him how much he had drank in his life, and he would always reply, "enough to float this house...."

Comment Flags (Score 5, Funny) 285

We stole countries with the cunning use of flags. Just sail around the world and stick a flag in. "I claim India for Britain!" They're going "You can't claim us, we live here! Five hundred million of us!" "Do you have a flag ? "What? We don't need a flag, this is our home, you bastards" "No flag, No Country, You can't have one! Those are the rules... that I just made up!...and I'm backing it up with this gun, that was lent to me from the National Rifle Association." --Eddie Izzard

World's Northernmost Town Gets Nightlights 144

Velcroman1 writes "On October 26, 2,000 Norwegians watched the sun set. The next time they'll see it rise? Sometime in February. Extended nighttime is an annual occurrence for the residents of Longyearbyen, Norway — Earth's northernmost town. Located at 78 degrees north latitude in the Arctic circle, Longyearbyen experiences a phenomenon called Polar Night, in which the town remains in perpetual darkness for four months each winter. To lighten up the seemingly endless night, Philips has started an experiment called 'Wake Up the Town.' And anyone who's complained about the brief daylight hours in winter will want to know how it works."

Chip Allows Blind People To See 231

crabel writes "3 blind people have been implanted with a retinal chip that allowed them to see shapes and objects within days of the procedure. From the article: 'One of the patients surprised researchers by identifying and locating objects on a table; he was also able to walk around a room unaided, approach specific people, tell the time from a clock face, and describe seven different shades of gray in front of him.'"

Immaculate Conception In a Boa Constrictor 478

crudmonkey writes "Researchers have discovered a biological shocker: female boa constrictors are capable of giving birth asexually. But the surprise doesn't end there. The study in Biology Letters found that boa babies produced through this asexual reproduction — also known as parthenogenesis — sport a chromosomal oddity that researchers thought was impossible in reptiles. While researchers admit that the female in the study may have been a genetic freak, they say the findings should press researchers to re-think reptile reproduction. Virgin birth among reptiles, especially primitive ones like boas, they argue may be far commoner than ever expected."

Comment Re:Should be good for the economy (Score 1) 1530

The primary purpose of laws is to either ... expand the public sector or else to advantage one group in the private sector at the expense of another group so less laws is automatically better for the economy.

Not according to Lee Hamilton:

"[the] historic mission of Congress has been to maintain freedom...."

I.e., through bills passed into law. It's mission is simple. It's the people in there that have mucked it up ... well, and ours for putting them there....

Comment Re:Fear & Ignorance (Score 1) 1530

I don't think most folks blamed the democrats for a bad economy, so much as they didn't understand why the democrats seemed focused on something that _wasn't_ the economy -- health care reform. Sure, health care needed reforming, but working on that -- while people are losing jobs, houses, can't buy their kids clothes or worry about getting them to school, and hell, just supporting their family period -- instead of working on the economy (jobs!), turned people off to the dems.

If we are under eminent attack, if there is a foreign power poised to take over the globe (i.e., ww2) then that trumps all else. Otherwise, people want/need jobs. Jobs is #1 without a _real_ foreign conflict (and yes, the conflicts over the past decade have not been real). So, each time bill the factory worker who lost his job turns on his radio or tv, it's been about healthcare for the past 2 years. It just doesn't compute to bill. "Healthcare? Wtf are these guys thinking? I have no job!!!"

And I don't know how many of you have visited such towns as Monroe, MI, lately, but it's sad, sad, sad. There's no jobs, no factories, closed-down plants, and every house a street is like this: foreclosed, retired, unemployeed, foreclose, foreclose, foreclosed, etc. You're hard-pressed to find someone on a street with an actual paying job. There's entire, brand new condo complexes -- taking up 2, 3 and 4 blocks -- all vacant.

So, in light of the jobs problem (aka, economy), all this work on healthcare is like a guy drowning, begging you to help and you going, "ok, but first, put your foot up out of the water ... your shoes untied...."

1928 Time Traveler Caught On Film? 685

Many of you have submitted a story about Irish filmmaker George Clarke, who claims to have found a person using a cellphone in the "unused footage" section of the DVD The Circus, a Charlie Chaplin movie filmed in 1928. To me the bigger mystery is how someone who appears to be the offspring of Ram-Man and The Penguin got into a movie in the first place, especially if they were talking to a little metal box on set. Watch the video and decide for yourself.

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