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Comment Re:Libraries (Score 3, Informative) 331

As an atheist with qualms about organised religion I do object to them taking over the role of the state

In the UK (where the original poster was from) it is quite common for Church halls to be used for secular purposes. They are effectively village halls (often the 'village' in question was subsumed by a town or city some centuries ago) that happen to be owned by the church. They are usually either free or very cheap to use and often the only large indoor space that is affordable for volunteer groups and community organisations. Although they tend to be owned by the church, using them doesn't usually come with any religious strings attached.

Comment Re:tangentially related thought (Score 1) 665

so how come i know of no smartphone that offer it?

Because you didn't look? I've never wanted this functionality, but it's been in my last two Nokia smartphones and in my current HTC one (Desire). I seem to recall a lot of people complaining when the iPhone was launched that it didn't include an FM Radio, which was a standard feature in most other smartphones. I'd imagine manufacturers are phasing it out now, because there's very little demand for it.

Comment Re:Packages signed in all Linux distributions (Score 2) 22

It's not much more valuable. The line between code and data is often quite blurry. For example, a lot of browser exploits have been due to vulnerabilities in libpng or libjpeg, where a malformed image caused some part of the input image to be treated as code. Even if you signed the entire binary, all of its libraries, and all of its config files, you aren't guaranteeing that the code is bug free. It protects you against a specific kind of adversary: one trying to persuade you to install a trojan by pretending to be someone else. This is a pretty rare form of attack. Most trojans don't pretend to be someone else, they pretend to be someone useful or fun. For example, things like screensavers and little phone games, not copies of Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop.

If you want to be protected against trojans, then you want to run each application with the minimum privilege that it needs. This is mostly a UI problem: you must define a set of restrictions that can confine applications at the required granularity yet still be comprehensible to a typical user. For a case study in how not to do it, see Android, which fails on both counts.

If you want to be protected against non-malicious, but exploitable software, then you also need compartmentalisation, so that a compromise, for example, in libpng, does not give you the privilege of the entire application (for example, access to all of your documents if it's in an office suite, or access to your Internet banking if it's in a web browser). This is the focus of Robert's current research (I should add a disclaimer here that I am part of the same project), because current architectures don't scale well to the required level of compartmentalisation. If you use the Chrome (and Capsicum) model of one-process-per-sandbox, then you quickly find performance limited by the number of TLB entries. On a recent Intel chip, this is somewhere in the 128-256 entry range, and if you need one process per sandbox with at least one code and one data page mapped at a time then you very quickly find that you're spending all of your time in TLB misses (this is why Chrome weakens its sanboxing if you have more than about 20 tabs open). Fixing this requires some architectural changes: it's not enough to just add TLB entries (aliasing effects hurt you), and even if you could they are constantly-powered TCAMs and so power efficiency means that you want the TLB to be as small as possible.

Comment Re:Was it EA..... (Score 1) 386

Alpha Centauri could take several minutes for the AI players to take their turns on a 550MHz P3. And this game was released in February 1999, several months before the 550MHz P3 was launched at a price of $700. On the other hand, back then I was paying per minute for Internet, so I probably wouldn't have wanted to offload then game engine to a big server farm somewhere...

Comment Re:Tape drives not on list? (Score 1) 212

Speaking with my professional hat on (I do backup and recovery for a living), well over 90% of the restores I've been asked to do have been for single files that were accidentally deleted

For this use-case, periodic snapshots of the volume in question work well. A simple cron job will let you rotate ZFS snapshots and clean up old ones so you can have hourly ones for a day, daily ones for a week, weekly ones for 3 months, and monthly ones for a year (or whatever) and can restore accidentally deleted files without having to go to any external media. Backups on external media are for when something very bad happens to your system.

Tape drives are expensive? Guess what - so are BD recordable drives.

Not really. The BD writer in my NAS cost me £63, over a year ago. 25GB disks cost about £1, 50GB ones are still close to £5. So, somewhere between £5 and £10 for 100GB, depending on how willing I am to use the lower-capacity disks. And these prices are likely to follow the same sort of curve that CD-RW and DVD-RWs did. LTO-1 tapes are about £13 for 100GB, so more expensive per GB than even 50GB BD-REs. The cheapest LTO drive I can find with a quick search is £1000. That's LTO-4 (LTO-1 drives are probably available second hand, but comparing only new with new), so to compare tapes I suppose we should use LTO-4 ones. They cost around £20 for 800GB, so per GB they're a lot cheaper than BD-RE. To back up 2TB, I'd need a drive and three tapes, so that's about £1060. With a BD-RE, I'd need a drive and 40 disks. That's £460. For a home user, the optical disks are a lot cheaper, and you also get random access, which makes restoring easier.

Once you get up to datacentre scales, things are different. The price per GB for tape is a lot lower and so it makes more sense. If you're backing up even 1TB/week, the cost of media for the optical drives quickly overshadows the lower up-front cost. The faster write speed for tape is also useful.

On the other hand, if you're just dumping data and never reusing the external media (so you can go back to backups from a long time ago), the media costs start to swing the other way. BD-Rs are very cheap. 50p/each for 25GB disks (CD-R and DVD-R went down to 10p/each so BD will probably keep falling), so you're looking at a similar cost per TB to LTO.

Comment Re: (Score 2) 134

OSMAnd is a bit of an oddball - if you want precompiled auto-updatable APKs, you need to pay a few dollars for OSMAnd+

If you have F-Droid installed, then they have OSMAnd~, which is OSMAnd compiled by them from the upstream sources. I never bought OSMAnd+, but I sent them a donation once I discovered OSMAnd~ (of more than the cost of OSMAnd+, even before Google takes their cut). It's incredibly useful.

Comment Re:It isn't just China (Score 1) 366

That depends a lot on where in the UK you are. When I was living in Swansea, I was spending about £6K/year on housing (initially renting a 2-bedroom flat, then owning a 2-bedroom house which pushed my cost of living down even more), food, and bills. £15K would have been enough to live quite comfortably. I spent under £10K most years, including buying new laptops, eating out, and so on, and all of the rest of my income went into savings. I'm now in Cambridge, and £15K here would, after tax might just about about cover expenses if I lived in a bedsit, but I'd probably have to live in a shared house, and even then I'd be struggling. In London, it would be impossible.

£15K seems very low for a software engineer though. Even in places with low living costs, I don't think I've seen below £22K, and £30K is a better ballpark for a starting salary.

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