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PlayStation (Games)

PS3 Hacked? 296

Several readers have sent word that George Hotz (a.k.a. geohot), the hacker best known for unlocking Apple's iPhone, says he has now hacked the PlayStation 3. From his blog post: "I have read/write access to the entire system memory, and HV level access to the processor. In other words, I have hacked the PS3. The rest is just software. And reversing. I have a lot of reversing ahead of me, as I now have dumps of LV0 and LV1. I've also dumped the NAND without removing it or a modchip. 3 years, 2 months, 11 days...that's a pretty secure system. ... As far as the exploit goes, I'm not revealing it yet. The theory isn't really patchable, but they can make implementations much harder. Also, for obvious reasons I can't post dumps. I'm hoping to find the decryption keys and post them, but they may be embedded in hardware. Hopefully keys are setup like the iPhone's KBAG."

Comment Re:Equally biased? (Score 1) 415

Switch all that around and that's how Fox News people feel about you. It's a perpetual cycle. There is a middle ground but you can't find it by watching 24/7 news networks. Since they *need* content to stay alive they are always interested in polarizing every issue.

Comment Re:Same as microsoft, gnome, etc dumb it down (Score 1) 415

Neither do I, but I would prefer someone with a solid understanding of usability and a uniquely creative concept that has a difficult time programming to make an app, than some technically gifted programmer without a clue of what makes a good extension.

In this case, just because you can program assembly code with your eyes closed doesn't mean you're not a moron when it comes to sensible app creation.

Comment Re:O RLY? (Score 1) 602

But it's one thing to be an asshole, and it's another thing to then classify hundreds millions of women as all self-centered money-grubbing liabilities.

You are, of course, absolutely correct. Even if every single woman you've known was worthless, it doesn't follow that all women are worthless. However, you're forgetting the way experience can shift your perspective. If you've experienced nothing but worthless women, it's very, very hard to keep in mind the fact that there might be worthwhile women out there. It's irrational, but unfortunately, we're not always rational creatures.

I know this first-hand. There was a time when I was so embittered by the worthless bitches that I had known (and the ones that I watched screw over my close friends) that, in truth, I had written off the entirety of women. I knew that there were possibly good women out there, but I didn't really believe it in my heart, despite what logic told me. The only thing that shifted my perspective was knowing a woman who is not only not worthless, but is in fact a wonderful person. Having that one counter-example gives me the perspective to say "Well, even if all the other women in existence are bitches, this one isn't. Maybe there are more like her." Without that counter-example, though, I would still have a thought process much like the GP expresses.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't condemn him too harshly. He might be a sexist pig, yes, but he also might have had a string of very bad experiences which make it damn near impossible for him to achieve the proper perspective on things. Personally, I sympathize with him and hope that he's fortunate enough to meet someone who will help him realize that his statements don't universally apply.

Comment Can we lose the can't do attitude? (Score 4, Insightful) 157

This solutions to this are simple. This took me about a minute, not counting proof reading.

1) The charging device also has a small hard drive built into it that always syncs the data - just like iTunes already does if you have an iPhone.

2) The unique data - contact, calendars, documents - are constantly backed up to a server over the internet connection. Program data can easily be preloaded or reloaded onto a new phone.

3) As far as monetary risks are concerned, there is something called insurance. You may want to look into it.

The line between what a cell phone and a laptop and a computer mean intrinsically will continue to blur. Soon it will be simply the size of the interface. You'll have a mobile. Maybe the mobile will dock into a laptop or tablet style chassis to provide extra power and a full keyboard and larger screen - just like Lenovo just demonstrated at CES. The mobile can also be docked to your desktop system if you really need some extra horsepower or a fiber connection to the net. Meanwhile, your data is always with you. Doesn't sound so bad.

Comment Re:93% of Programmers Think You're Wrong (Score 1) 572

That's how it seems to me. It's the difference between asking "what is the probability of flipping 2 heads in a row", and "what is the probability of flipping heads, given that I just flipped heads on a previous trial".

The first case involves the combination of 2 coins (4 possibilities), the second involves the state of only one (who cares what the previous one was?)

Comment Re:Toughts About Direction (Score 5, Insightful) 415

I'm also concerned that the bar is already low enough that most of the extensions out there are total crap. By setting the bar on the floor, every idiot will be able to produce terrible jetpacks. Do you really want to wade through 100,000 crappy jetpacks to find the dozen nuggets?

Voting systems, bloggers, word of mouth, the list goes on. That argument doesn't work online if there are lots of likeminded people (and if you think that your needs are different from everyone else's then there's no point looking no matter what system is used, since nobody else would have scratched your unique itch)

Comment Re:The creationists are a little more clever than (Score 2, Interesting) 214

We have evolution (as in new traits being developed) of plants and bugs due to selective processes. We have evolution of bacteria through adaptation to environment and relative advantage. We observe differentiation of species through ring-species. We can recostruct the evolutionary links between speecies through DNA evidence. We have a pretty, consistent tree of evolution extracted from fossyls. How difficult is it to look at the big picture and say that evolution s the most probable explanation?

If anything it's creationists that must explain what would forbid "macro-evolution" from happening. Why is it qualitatively different from "micro-evolution"?

We never actually oserved a gravitationally activated fusion reaction, but we believe the sun burns that way too. We never observed the light travelling for more than one light year at the same rate either and we still believe that the speed is constant. Science is filled with such extrapolations where something is proven only for small scales and taken to be universally valid.

Comment Portable Firefox Affected? (Score 1) 275

I'm running a version of FF from I installed it to a USB stick a few days ago and as of right now I don't have the .NET assistant installed.

Maybe the solution to this garbage is to move away from downloads until they understand that we don't want automatic installs of useless software?

Also, why is everyone so keen on Mono lately? I don't need .NET in my Linux.

Comment Re:Screw the old people! (Score 5, Insightful) 373

You've missed your demographic here, girlintraining. Telling the /. crowd that they anyone over 30 is wasting away watching TV or *heaven forbid* gardening isn't going to get you far.

The trouble with your attitude is that once these "new" technologies are introduced the people who grew up using them fall into a trap where the technology defines their lives. Once Facebook turns into Friendster and you have to reestablish your whole social world onto the "new" Facebook are you going to be as wide-eyed and happy talking about the "kinetic" and "information-rich" world?

/. is full of curmudgeons, eccentrics and free-thinkers and as a member of that set I resent you trying to call us obsolete just because we don't all use the flavor of the week social network you subscribe to.

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