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Comment Re:waaaaaah waaaaaahhhhh (Score 1) 310

the right of a non-state capitalist, for profit corporation to build structures on land where the land owners and local government have decreed they want no such structures?

that is COMMUNIST.

No, I think it's actually closer to fascist. Communists don't have "non-state capitalist, for profit corporations", remember?

Comment Re:Take a look at the map..... (Score 3, Interesting) 310

It's not a dictatorship, people voted in place the officials that made this happen, it's what most of them want.

1. Don't local elections tend to have really lousy turnout? It's hard to say "most" people want this, if most people don't bother to vote.

2. If people do think they want this, do they understand the (obvious) implications of what they agreed to?

Comment Re:First (Score 4, Informative) 327

As for the "point" of copyright, it is to give authors a temporary monopoly as incentive to create art that will eventually fall into the possession of all the People & enrich everybody.

It seems some in the US Congress and EU Parliament have forgotten that.

I'm not sure that's true outside of the US. Here that is the purpose ("to promote the progress of science and the useful arts"), but I think originally it was supposed to help by replacing previous stronger but more ad-hoc monopoly rights.

That page also has an interesting (anonymous) quote from when the first copyrights started to expire in 1735: "I see no reason for granting a further term now, which will not hold as well for granting it again and again, as often as the old ones expire... it will in effect be establishing a perpetual monopoly, a thing deservedly odious in the eye of the law; it will be a great cramp to trade, a discouragement to learning, no benefit to authors, but a general tax on the public; and all this only to increase the private gain of booksellers.".


Scientists Cut Greenland Ice Loss Estimate By Half 414

bonch writes "A new study on Greenland's and West Antarctica's rate of ice loss halves the estimate of ice loss. Published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the study takes into account a rebounding of the Earth's crust called glacial isostatic adjustment, a continuing rise of the crust after being smashed under the weight of the Ice Age. 'We have concluded that the Greenland and West Antarctica ice caps are melting at approximately half the speed originally predicted,' said researcher Bert Vermeeersen."

Comment Re:Yes, something is up (Score 1) 231

If that's not different from open source then nobody would have needed an open source movement in the first place.

It is one of many kinds of open source.

Putting something in the public domain meets the requirements listed here: . It also meets the FSF's definition of "free software".

The reason for having an open source movement or free software movement is that people were starting to keep their software under restrictive licenses. The movements were meant to encourage people to not do this, whether by using less restrictive licenses or public domain.

Comment Re:Perhaps I'm the one confused... (Score 1) 390

but the ISP itself must never throttle any traffic below that limit without explicit consent from the end user

Besides explicit throttling, this also needs to include that they maintain sufficient network capacity and uplink capacity to meet the minimum except in unusual circumstances (such as hardware failure, peering dispute, some newsworthy event that has everyone trying to watch online CNN at once and using 3x typical peak bandwidth, etc).

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