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Comment Re:The British are now like the Terrorists... (Score 1) 629

That may be so, but the British govt are less likely to hijack a plane and fly it into a landmark.

Yeah, they are more likely instead to drive a tank into a stadium and open fire on the public.
Or massacre a gathering of men, women and children. (Jallianwala Bagh, Qissa Khwani, etc...)
and when their own troops refuse to fire on unarmed women and children, the troops get arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. (Royal Garhwal Rifles)

The british government has a long history of incredible brutality, and history is remembered for a long time, when your people are the ones under the lash of the whip. Most british people today would either not be aware of their countries brutality, and would not believe it if told. Or would try to say it was all so long ago, so forget it.


Submission + - Did someone attempt to buy the British Government? (antipope.org)

VShael writes: Charles Stross (sometimes contributor to The Guardian newspaper) has reported on a bizarre statement made in the UK's House of Lords by Lord James of Blackheath. Not a viral marketing tool for some new conspiracy thriller, and not a Nigerian 419 scam (so please, leave the jokes out of the comments), apparently some mysterious Foundation which wishes to remain unnamed has been conducting secret talks with high members of the government in order to invest untold billions in to the UK economy. But there's a catch.
Also mentioned in The Guardian, here

Comment Re:Know Your Enemy (Score 1) 629

I find it enlightening to know just how crazy some people are out there. We're talking the kind of guy that thinks everyone should be converted to Sharia law, forcefully if necessary.

Like say, how Ann Coulter said the Muslims should be converted to Christianity, by force if necessary?

It's strange to watch someone debate a topic, when that debate would not even be allowed if he had his way.

Like say, how Bill O'Reilly shouts "CUT HIS MIKE!!" when a guest tries to debate a point which Bill doesn't have an answer for?

I have seen the enemy. And it is us.

Comment Dublin airport, Ireland (Score 1) 335

I have a friend who works there. Apparently it doesn't matter at all how good the passengers are with complying with all these idiotic restrictions. The metal detectors can be set to "beep" manually, if they want to pull someone aside and frisk them down or wave the wand at them.

At various times of the day, the screeners are told to have a minimum number of these passenger checks.

So even if everyone on your flight has put all their metal in hand luggage, you'll still find something like one in ten getting beeped through the metal detector and causing delays. Completely unneeded. Completely at the behest of those who think they know better.

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