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Comment Re:Down the rabbit hole (Score 1) 311

Additionally, they can keep using the magstripe, they just have to take full responsibility for and false charges that may occur at the business as opposed to the credit card company taking that liability. So really, the merchants only have to upgrade if they want to accept CC and be free of any credit card fraud liability. Seems reasonable to me.

Comment Re:What about VP10? (Score 1) 178

Correct. It's the foundation for the new format, but will be enhanced further using Daala, Thor, and Opus.

Considering members of the new OpenAlliance consist of just about all browser manufactures (Microsoft, Google, Mozilla), chip manufacturers (Intel, AMD, ARM, Nvidia), and major content providers (Netflix, Amazon, Google), it's going to be widely supported/adopted quickly.

h.265 might have an advantage right now with the current iteration, VP9, but if the industry has put their weight behind this free Open Source version, you won't see as much of the proprietary encoding.

Comment Re:Another Google Project Not Worth The Hype (Score 5, Informative) 178

You realize we're comparing a FREE option vs a PAID option. As a business trying to save money here/there, I'd rather go with the free one to be honest.

Additionally, the title of this post is a bit misleading for what Netflix actually found. h.265 was better than VP9 in 4K content, but when it came down to 1080p and lower resolutions, VP9 did just as good or better than h.265. 1080p will STILL rule the streaming market for the foreseeable future, so VP9 is definitely relevant here.

Quote from Netflix on their blog regarding this:

Here’s a snapshot: x265 and libvpx demonstrate superior compression performance compared to x264, with bitrate savings reaching up to 50% especially at the higher resolutions. x265 outperforms libvpx for almost all resolutions and quality metrics, but the performance gap narrows (or even reverses) at 1080p.

Comment Re:I'll bite (Score 2) 241

Huntsville has a TON of NASA engineers and supporting cast. Auburn University has sent more astronauts to space than nearly any other university.

Just because it's "Alabama" doesn't mean it's redneck. That's stereotyping at it's finest.

The guy who died likely worked at NASA in the lunar program and possibly even designing the rovers. ...Frankly, it could have been this guy's:

Comment Re:Summary sucks (Score 1) 345

People on this site know computers. They don't know airplanes and airplane models. It's like saying the Ford Mustang is being retired comparing sales to a different manufacturer. And then saying "But the Ford Mustang is 50+ years old! You can't compare a 50 year old car to a model that has been out in the last 10 years!"

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 2) 218

Agree with this. Most of the people in this thread seem to spend their time reinventing the wheel as opposed to using libraries for what they are. Maybe certain aspects of JQuery aren't necessary anymore with modern browsers, but for the most part it offers some pretty awesome tools for getting your work done. And I'd prefer to spend more time developing unique stuff for my app as opposed to inventing generic stuff that JQuery already does fairly well.

Comment Re: No (Score 2) 161

Are web apps as amazing as native apps? No. And i doubt they ever will be. However, the time it takes to develop a native app vs a web-comparable app is immensely different. Web apps are infinitely easier to create and deploy. The question is if it's worth spending 2-5x the amount of money/effort to provide that level of immersion. To many it's not. Especially if your user base is small.

I work for a Fortune 500 company and we have internal web apps that serve anywhere from 10 - 10K people. There is little justification to make native apps that essentially do the same thing when we can put a wrapper on it and call it a day. Having an immersive app needs some serious justification for that level immersion when your throwing around $100Ks of develop/maintenance costs.

Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 4, Insightful) 514

Definitely agree on this one topic. We need to quit outsourcing our jobs overseas and importing temporary labor. Especially when there are people graduating in these degrees locally. I've noticed a serious trend over the last 10 years at my corporation where they use either contractors overseas, or just hire local contractors. And of course all the local contractors are super cheap foreign labor with H1-B visas. They have NO desire to make quality products because they don't plan on working for their contract long (because they know they are essentially working for experience as opposed to salary). All they want is a few years of experience and then bolt for better pay.

However, the corporation i work for will just sub them out and hire more contractors at bargain base prices and moving forward. Overall, American workers are getting screwed. our customers are getting a shitty product, corporations are loving the super cheap labor, and foreigners are getting experience that they can take back to their homeland, which long term does not help America way ahead of other countries in these fields.

Comment Re:TI calculators are not outdated, just overprice (Score 1) 359

This is why entire schools or school districts should sign contracts with certain vendors of calculators. If a district picked a certain brand, then different teachers would be able to work together or with the vendor that sold them on how to do certain things on them. Teachers could call a support line to get help and so on.

The only way that change will happen is if there is competition in the market. And the only way that's going to happen is if entire school districts start diversifying what they're using.

Comment Re:Client or Server side? (Score 2) 161

You can't scale it on the client side, because one of the core reasons for doing this is to NOT download large images for areas were a mobile connectivity is a factor. So you can't scale it down unless you've already downloaded the large version. This wouldn't work.

You have to ONLY download the correct size you need.

This could be done manually with tags, which seems to be the chosen route. However I think what "bobbied" suggested above would be a good automated way of doing it. Say you set up a meta tag using the media queries in the HTML to be "mobile conscious". Then anytime it ran across an , the browser would request images as such: "GET image.jpg?max-width=18em" (or however else the developer defined the meta tags). The web server (which would also need to be aware of this type of request), would then return back a certain sized image. This would require the least amount of effort by the developers and would just need support by the browsers and web servers.

Comment Re:Hey, great idea here, guys... (Score 1) 76

That's what should have been done 5+ years ago. We've moved well beyond that. However i do disagree in the method that they are moving forward with of competing technologies. It should be something like "Bluetooth 5.0" that supports Audio and Video. Frankly, if Bluetooth had really kept up, we wouldn't need these diverging methods.

Comment Re:Company Culture (Score 4, Informative) 307

"More than half of those officials were executives, and Ms. Barra said five other GM employees have been disciplined but remain with the company. Ms. Barra wouldn't identify the employees by name, except to confirm that two low-ranking engineers involved with the design of the defective switch were dismissed. Also fired were lawyers and officials responsible for safety and dealings with regulators"

Do you know what you're talking about?

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