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Comment Re:The thing about cannabis... (Score 0, Flamebait) 398

The problem starts when you are out so far your body forgets to breathe. Can happen with all downing drugs and is one of the main dangers of OD. You may have been very lucky to survive. If you ate the stuff and your body tried to vomit it out but couldn't due to your being too far out cold, you might even have died suffocating on your own vomit.

As for alcohol poisoning - I doubt it's harder to inflict than grass poisoning or more likely to kill. If you OD, you screwed up, whatever the poison in question is.

Word of advice - decide beforehand on your limit, monitor your own intake and know that if you loose count, it's time to call it a day. If you have to experiment, get a sober minder to stay with you.

Comment Re:Don't forget: (Score 3, Informative) 258

You are forgetting something. If you catch the flu and can bear it you are a vector to infect others who might not be able to survive an infection. So if you regularly see your old granny or mother-in-law you might want to get the shot anyway if you'd like to be able to see her again.

Apart from that - flu is one ugly disease to have. It just doesn't put you down flat with 40 fever but the other infections that sneak in while your immune system is overwhelmed will give you trouble for weeks. Of course, if you get pneumococci into your lungs, you won't have to worry about that, you'll just drown in your own mucus.Flu is rarely deadly, but the opportunistic infections that follow are.

Comment Re:mutate goats to have no sense of taste (Score 1) 360

Having seen goats chewing happily on pieces of clothing and other garbage, mutating goats to have no sense of taste sounds to me like mutating rabbits to have long ears. (I was planning to write something slightly different but less suited for small children and Americans here.)

I... don't get it.

Of course not - you're on Slashdot.

Comment Re:hey, UK (Score 1) 359

Which countries? As far as I'm aware most of the EU have mandatory ID cards. France is the only big exception.

Yeah, but they are not yet linked to any central database. The ID card data in Germany is managed on city level. As yet there is no biometric data on the card except for a photograph. Also, they are mandatory to own, not to carry. If I get stopped by traffic police, they ask for my driving licence and work with that, not my ID card.

Criminal records are tied to name/birthdate not the ID card primary key.

Comment Re:How About Personal responsibility (Score 1) 543

If I was dumb enough to get tricked by these idiots I'd at least have the sense to shut up and not tell anyone.

Not bloody likely as you would have to explain the damages and chaos you caused.

I can understand the fun and feeling of superiority when tricking obviously stupid persons into doing obviously stupid things. We all do this now and then with stupid (l)users but most of us draw the line at causing actual damage. As to inflicting emotional stress of the victim, the prankster's mercy usual correlates directly with the character of the victim. If he/she is an asshole they may be required to take a lot more than someone perceived as nice or harmless. Going for total strangers is very low, though. Where's the challenge in that?

Still the prankster should have to face the consequences for the acts they caused to happen. More so if the damage was intentional.

What a rare punishment is avarice to itself! - Aye, with our help sir. A quote from "Volpone - or the Fox." still going strong in theatres after 400 years with a strong theme of Schadenfreude and abuse of stupidity. Schadenfreude goes a long way - especially in the safety of a theatre audience.

Comment Re:Grody (Score 1) 543

Having succumbed to baser urges, Malik [...] is now stuck dealing with the messy consequences.

I find the messy consequences after succumbing to my baser urges to be quite easily cleaned up, actually. Has this guy not heard of tissues or something?

You are confusing your lower urges with your base urges.

Comment Re:Free advertising for the Pirate party. (Score 1) 330

Probably not fancied. He was studying it in his capacity as MdB and trying to break up a childporn ring lone cowboy style without CYA, the idiot.

However, said Zensurula has also been charged with owning and disseminating child porn. She got some of the extremely heavy stuff from the federal police and showed it to journalists to make her point. However, the state attorney very quickly scraped that charge.

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