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Comment Re:Sad to hear... (Score 1) 123

More realistically, the cost of the PS TV is $89 for the controller bundle. But your main point stands, of course...

I have an Ouya. It's an okay emulator I guess. Nothing about it is spectacular and the controller is downright awful. It's pretty much mandatory to replace the stock Ouya controller with a DS3 anyway... So the real cost for the Ouya is more like $140, making something that's $90 a lot more attractive for sure. Aside from the terrible selection and overall bugginess of the games the controller is my biggest gripe. I get that this was a small team who put this together, with a limited budget ( comparatively ), and tight deadlines... but it's supposed to be a console for christ sake, at least make a decent controller! A PSTV is probably a better choice, even though I'm not really a huge fan of most of the PSP/PS1 games, I'm sure I'd have found more quality selection over the quirky and limited Ouya store.

In the end it was a neat gadget. I probably got my $100 value out of it. My overall ambivalence towards the Ouya will probably sway me away from similar gadgets in the future, including the PS TV, for better or worse... I'll just stick to proper consoles for a while.

Comment Re: Chat messages - quick, archiveable, searchable (Score 1) 115

"For example, think about the last face to face meeting you had. What notes do you have from that meeting?"

About 15 lines in a text doc.

"How many issues were resolved?"


"And how long was the meeting."

20 minutes

"Compare that to a couple of quick chat message exchanges."

The productive stuff ( if any ) via chat is too deeply buried in YouTube links and cat photos.

I think the face to face meeting wins.

Comment Re:DIY "gunsmithing" isn't complicated (Score 1) 367

The aluminum used in 80% lowers is typically the same used in production "military grade" weapons. For an AR15 it's typically 6061 or 7075 cast, billet or forged aluminum, all can handle pressures in the tens of thousands of PSI, multiple orders of magnitude greater than the pressure they'll come in contact with under operation of the firearm. The lower just holds the firing mechanism and magazine, in addition the stock and upper receiver attach to the lower. The upper receiver is what's under pressure and requires a bit more skill to produce. The worst thing that will happen to a poorly milled AR15 lower is the parts won't fit, or not end up in the right spot, and the weapon just won't work. A device like this removes a bit of error making this process more reliable.

TL;DR - no, these won't blow up.

Comment Re:Corporate freedom, unless we say otherwise (Score 1) 367

There's precedent to suggest that sexual orientation is a protected group, political activism and/or related products, are not in and of themselves protected from discrimination by private entities. FedEx is free to ban wedding cakes, they can't ban gay wedding cakes exclusively. So yes, there would likely be a lawsuit over a gay cake shipping ban.

Comment Re:Missing the point (Score 1) 69

Making games is hard, really hard. Selling on an app-store is hard, really, really hard (ask yourself: how many apps have you bought?).

At least a hundred, maybe more.

As someone who's made games... Making games is not hard, making a good game is time consuming, a little frustrating, occasionally hard and sometimes rewarding. Selling a good game on an app store is easy though.

Comment Avoid Q&A style interviews (Score 3, Informative) 809

I've had a lot more success hiring great people when I stopped interviewing in a Q&A format and instead spend the time learning how the candidate solves problems. I typically spend 5-10 minutes asking some specific questions about technologies on their resume. Then I define a fictitious project and spend the remaining time ( typically an hour ) learning about how they might solve it, dive deep into a few areas, do some white boarding, a little bit of impromptu code examples and discuss the potential long term problems and solutions. You get a better feel for the breadth of someone's knowledge and their ability to think soundly on their feet. It lets you know that they have the knowledge and ability to apply it to a problem.

Comment Re: Bad comparaison (Score 1) 135

If you want their content you play by their rules for distribution.

This isent a problem for the software industry to solve, it's a legal one over personal use of paid content. Collectively us consumers can potentially solve it via litigation, voting for increased personal rights for digital content or with our dollars; if you don't like it, don't buy it. The majority of consumers are lazy and / or don't care however, so it'll never change. Outside slashdot you don't actually hear most average joes complaining about region locking or DRM, it dosent affect their ability to play a bluray disc on a bluray player they bought at Walmart so why should they?

Comment Re:Tax (Score 1) 534

Actually you can, and I do, every year.

You claim head of household and itemize all your annual expenses. It's tedious, requires excellent record keeping, and takes quite a bit more time... so most people don't bother. As an aside... you can just pay someone, a CPA for instance, to do all this for you. The fees they charge are also tax deductible. I also file business taxes which are not much different than personal taxes that are itemized.

Alternatively you can just take the standard deduction, which is what it sounds like you do every year.

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