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Comment It no longer matters. (Score 3, Insightful) 727

Total non-issue; the majority of computing consumers have moved on; they're using phones and tablets. Corporate users will use what they're given.

The days of paying hundreds of dollars for an operating system and compiler are (thankfully) gone. The OS is irrelevant anyways; you go to where the applications are; anything else is just silly...

Comment Publicity Stunt (Score 1) 199

Am I the only one who noticed the timing of this announcement by Amazon coincided with the christmas shopping season; this was nothing more than a quite successful bid for free publicity.

Not only are "drone" package deliveries technically unfeasable, they are not financially viable by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe...maybe in several decades.

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Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. -- Mike Adams
