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Comment Lack of advertising more then anything else (Score 5, Insightful) 1264

Most people do not know there is an alternative to windows or that it's as good as windows. Other issues confusion and people trying to fix things that are not broken such as completely redoing gnome in gnome 3 or brain dead things like Unity in Ubuntu which cause Mint to over take it as the most downloaded distro. Android is a good example of what can happen when people are exposed to an alternative OS. It's now the number 1 smart phone OS and Windows phone is more or less a flop.

Comment Re:What About National Security? (Score 1) 285

Frequency hop is old tech dating back as far as the late 1970s and it is not untappable or unjammable. Once you know the specs what frequencies are used and how channel changes are handled it can be both jammed and tapped. China already manufactures this technology. Cell phones use a basic version of it as it was one of the key technologies that made cellphones possible. NK's artillery would need more then that to be that accurate they'd also need better guidance and navigation for the platforms, better quality control in the shells and possibly smart shells with the ability to steer.

Comment Re:What, does it come with a cape & secret ide (Score 1) 240

The PS3 is not a super computer but it's a great component to use to make one on a budget. A single cell no but 8 cells networked would crush your server rack in all operations unless you have a couple of Tesla cards in there. From a practical stand point IBM's cell blades are a better starting point as they have more memory etc. The PS3's selling point is it's $299 less then one of your i7s which has less then 1/3 the Gflops the Cell in the PS3 gets. If you were doing any serious number crunching on that server rack you'd have a couple of Tesla's or Firestream processing cards in them. Just one Tesla card = 7.4 core i7s.

Comment Re:How does the PS3 compare to a modern PC? (Score 1) 240

Cell more or less crushes an i7 in just about any SMID or DSP type operation. Even though X86 have pretty much been static since 2006 with only minor updates GPUs have come a long ways since 2006 . The cheapest Gflop for your buck by far is Radeon or Geforce card that supports stream processing or CUDA. I consider transcoding apps that don't use the GPU not even worth the HD space let alone worth paying actual money for.

Comment Re:Ok, honestly? (Score 2, Insightful) 312

Bin Laden's goals where to make life difficult for Americans and the government did just that for him. The government fighting it war on terror has killed 3 times more Americans then Bin Laden and done more economic damage as well. Every time a freedom is surrendered or a right sign away for security is a victory for Al Qeda.

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