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Comment Re:Too late. I already switched my default. (Score 1) 389

Nothing bad about trying out the alternative to find out how it works, but is there really some kind of intrinsic value in rooting for the underdog - especially when this underdog is Microsoft? Not to say that Google isn't big (and eeeevil), but MS definitely *is* big (and eeeevil), not just that much in search tech. Same goes for anti-iPod pro-Zune fanboys.

I also don't think being against the grain for the sake of being against the grain is quite honest intellectually. I hope if you find Bing more useful than Google, you end up preferring it because of that, not because of being different from the percieved mainstream.

Comment Re:Slipstreaming (Score 1) 409

"I'm glad they're pushing it out more aggressively as that means more people will get better standards support and less-awful javascript performance..."

Exactly. If there's anything where MS's cramming-it-down-your-throat approach to software updates is justified, this is it. The sooner we have all the IE-using people using the latest, least-sucking version of IE, the better. I, for one, don't want to make any more IE6 hacks to my XHTML & CSS.

Comment Re:It seems ironic... (Score 1, Informative) 1147

"I want two or three mouse buttons."

Of course I don't know, you might have some special need for three physically separate buttons on a laptop, but I'm actually happier using the "retarded" "one-button" (physically) track pad of my MacBook than I ever was with a two-button Windows laptop (yes, I'm a switcher). It's quicker to do a 'right click' with a tap of two fingers (or hold two fingers on the track pad and click) than to point at a specific button to click.

For serious work, I have a multi-button separate mouse which is better than any kind of track pad anyway.

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