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Comment Re:Does this guy even know anything about this? (Score 1) 171

I'm a bit baffled by this also. If all of the City's boilers and elevators are on the same network, and someone could successfully hack into it, they could possibly do some minor amount of damage. But really.... Elevators only hold a few people. And how many buildings actually have boilers? Don't most modern buildings use heat pumps? I don't know of any building that still uses steam, and those that do would be unlikely to have sophisticated networked controls.

You'd get much more bang for the buck by bombing Grand Central at rush hour... And much simpler.

Seems like someone has been watching too many 80s B movies.

Comment Re:All the Crap (Score 5, Insightful) 242

I'd mod you flamebait but instead....

All this shit that's happened is because a handful of uber rich fucks are in bed with a handful of uber powerful fucks. The pirate party is for exposing that and being more open. Why do we have dinosaur-lifespan copyright? Because Disney is in bed with the US congress. And every other country is in bed with US Congress, at least when it comes to copyright.

So let's shine a light on what's going on between the sheets.

Comment A monitor and a bluetooth keyboard (Score 3, Informative) 156

That's what we did. Got a 21" wall mount monitor, above the fray, attached a bluetooth keyboard/mousepad combo ($25 off ebay) and youi're golden. A couple of speakers and you can do whatever you want. And best of all the only thing that can get trashed is the keyboard; you can keep spares in your drawer if you really want.

And yes we do use it as music background and to stream internet radio of all sorts.

Comment Re:It's about damn time (Score 1) 1051

+1. I remember when TSA took over, all of the sudden you had actual trained employees who acted like they knew what was going on. Before then you could pretty much walk through with anything you wanted and the xray operator would hardly ever glance at the screen. I suspect most of them weren't trained on what to look for.

Now TSA has become this huge bureaucracy cash cow for its suppliers, buying millions of $ of barely working scanners. That's a different story.

But don't for one second assume that private industry would do a better job. They would not since the contract would be awarded to the lowest bidder. That means the security expert would have lower qualifications than the janitor; at least a janitor needs to know which bottle of cleaner to use when. A security scanner just needs to know how to push the button that makes the belt move.

Comment Re:I Don't See the Parallelism Here ... (Score 3, Insightful) 489

Well, typically for electronics at least, the exporter sells the goods at a huge discount, because the distributor on the other end is supposed to provide all of the manuals, support, warranty service, etc. Now you buy one of those "bare" pieces of electronics, bring it to the US, and sell it here to some unsuspecting slob. He then tries to get warranty service and finds out he's been ripped off.

That should be a crime.

But a book? It's nothing but mashed up paper. Presumably it was bought legally over there, and from there on it's private property. First sale, anyone?

What am I missing?

Comment Re:Am I really evil? (Score 1) 1007

The reason the risks are so low is because other parents have assumed the risks for their children.

If everyone thought as you do, then lots more kids would die. With all due respect, attitudes like yours are much like those who say, I can dump *my* garbage here, it's such a small amount that no one will ever notice.

In other words, you are a leach on society, expecting others to assume the risks you don't want to.

Comment Re:Put them to work (Score 5, Insightful) 1054

To continue on the serious note, everyone, I mean everyone, complains that boys don't read. The fact is that if a boy is brought up int he average school, he is given nothing, and excuse my language, but chick lit to read. The only reason I read was because my father read and it was stuff interesting to boys. Heinlein, Pohl, etc. It was pulp, but it got me into the habit of reading so i could read more of the conventional and socially acceptable stuff.

My kid had no interest in reading until I got him started on Ben Bova's Orion series. He's 11 and loves it. Yes it's full violence, and sex, and "porn" - I mean, sex with a goddess while covered with animal entrails amid a stone age civilization? It doesn't get any better!

The early Card stuff is next; Planet Called Treason, Ender's Game, you name it. Those are boy books!

I mean school is so screwed up that when we read the Canterbury Tales, the cool tales were the ones that could not be assigned.

Hehe... I read The Wife Of Bath with my 14 year old daughter. Nothing like the prologue where she rants about the uselessness of virginity. Again, want to hold a teenager's attention while reading the classics? Show then the classics!

Comment We do something similar... (Score 4, Interesting) 291

Once a month we do a brownbag where people come in and do presentations. It's voluntary and fun.

The best thing to do is to have toys to show off. Just recently I walked around with a "coupon", an 8" diameter chunk of steel cut from a pipe. This let me talk about water pressure, safety (there's 4,000 lbs of force behind that coupon in a waterline) and give everyone a visual of that thing coming loose and whacking someone in the face. Perhaps not related, but it let me segue into our control system, and 25 miles of fiberoptic cable, and control infrastructure that lets us control our water delivery throughout 250 miles of waterlines.

Tell stories, illustrate your points with real world events. Don't dwell on statistics or numbers; talk about what those numbers mean and why they're important.

Yes, you are an entertainer. At least if you want to keep your audience from falling asleep.

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