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Comment Re:Vale Linux (Score 5, Interesting) 167

Well, the linux market share isn't yet growing

Actually, it is. Slowly but surely. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest obstacle to Linux adoption for younger people is exactly gaming. I know quite a few peopl whose systems are dual-boot between linux and windows specifically for this: they use Linux most of the time, and then switch to Windows to play.

Comment Re:Danger Google (Score 5, Informative) 166

I would like to use DDG too, but the only thing it has which is useful (at least as of now) is the zero-click info-box. The actual search results are quite horrible compared to what Google provides (probably because DDG relies essentially on Bing, which is having huge problems keeping their database in good shape).

Comment Prior art (Score 1) 214

Joking and April's fools aside, this is something that FriendFeed has had since something like day 1, centuries before being bought up by Facebook: you could define "virtual friends" which, given the feed-based nature of FF as a social network, was just a collection of feeds.

Comment Re:Neat (Score 1) 120

Why is Wayland a 'threat'? Open source is evolution. Let Wayland come - if users go for it, they go for it and it becomes the new thing

The problem is not "if the users go for it". The problem is "if every major distribution tries to cram it down everybody's throat", with no alternatives or making it very hard to choose an alternative.

Comment Re:Why would anyone use Android... (Score 1) 172

The fact that Nokia (actually, Elop) is too stupid to sell N9 in all the markets (it's not available in Italy, e.g., except imported more or less legally from e.g. Switzerland) and the fact that the N9 is essentially the end-of-line product for Harmattan are two strong reasons that have strongly limited the sales of that fine product.

Comment Re:Not plausible (Score 4, Informative) 192

Sold well? Who bought it ? I hardly know anyone anymore who owns a Nokia phone, just eighteen months ago half my friends had one, hell I had a N900 myself. I had high hopes for the N900, sadly Nokia didnt...

Many people with N900 didn't get an N9 because the N9 is EOL. Despite this, though, there are markets where the N9 has not been officially sold (like Italy) that have to go look for their N9s eslewhere (e.g. Switzerland) _and they do_ (there are quite a few online Italian shops that sell imported N9s).

Nokia expresselly killed their Linux line of phones, by making the N950 a "developer preview" only and only releasing the N9 in "selected" market. _Despite_ this, and their Lumia phones being everywhere, the N9 is still in high demand.

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