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Comment Re:Torvalds being foul-mouthed again? News at 11. (Score 1) 1501

Torvalds has always been a foul mouthed whiner and politely asking him to behave like a decent human being won't change him.

There, fixed that for you.

Torvalds has always been a self-important arsehole -and I mean that in a bad way- and he's too socially inept to even realise what a spoilt little brat he is.

Comment I used to contribute to JBoss (Score 1) 480

I used to contribute to JBoss until I had this happen to me.

I wrote the very first JAAS tutorial and example code for JBoss. It was promptly stolen, the other guy's name added, mine removed and then published to the JBoss community.

I called the plagiarist, Scott Stark, out, he denied it.

I pointed out all "his" code was identical to mine including variable names, he denied it, claiming the variable names were "obvious".

I pointed out this "his" examples contained exactly the same errors as mine did, finally he admitted he'd stolen my work and added my name as a contributor.

That plus Mark Fleury's attitude drove me away and I decided never to contribute to JBoss again.

Comment Sensibility? (Score 1) 68

That word doesn't mean what you think it does:

That word doesn't mean what you think it does.

"Sensibility refers to an acute perception of or responsiveness toward something, such as the emotions of another. This concept emerged in eighteenth-century Britain, and was closely associated with studies of sense perception as the means through which knowledge is gathered. It also became associated with sentimental moral philosophy." - Wikipedia.

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