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Comment There's improv and there's improv. (Score 1) 48

First, they used guitar players. I would want to see sax, trumpet, and piano players. Drummers, too. Because left- or right-handedness has a lot to do with this and guitar has a very specific division of labor between the hands. And there are left-handed people who play guitar right-handed.

Second, there are varying degrees of improvisation, from rote expressions of pre-learned licks to completely free blowing like Archie Shepp. In my experience, most jazz guitar players fall in the first category. (Fred Frith is the only guitar player I can think of who falls in the latter).

Good start, too bad the sample size was so limited.


Comment Partitions. (Score 3, Informative) 32

I drove a cab back in the '80s in Boston. Mostly Volares, Crown Vics, and Impalas, though I did push one of those Checker Marathons for a couple of years. All of these cabs had a partition sealing the front seat from the rear, because cabbies are rolling cash registers. The Checkers had 3/4" thick acrylic, the rest had 1/4" Plexiglas (more of a stab deterrent than bulletproof), on top of a sheet metal shield across the back of the front bench seat.

Of course, the sliding partition door would be open to facilitate conversation but it's better than nothing. Watch Lyft/Uber drivers make their own from clear plastic sheeting before more permanent solutions come on line.


Comment Most contraband... (Score 1) 26

Most contraband in prison is brought in by staff: cigarettes, cell phones, drugs, alcohol. Get a friend or family member to venmo the cop $75 for a pack of Newport 100s (cut each one in to 4 parts and sell each bit for $7 to $10), $1500 for a flip phone.

Before drones, people would stuff things in a football and chuck it over the fence (low-security FCIs have no walls or towers, just 2 chain link fences with plenty of razor wire on and between them).


Comment No kidding. (Score 5, Interesting) 46

So I'm sitting in the tank in the Moakley federal courthouse in Boston a couple of years back, waiting for a probation violation hearing, with all the usual suspects. One of the half-dozen people in my holding cell was a white kid in his 20s, maybe three teeth in his head, who styled himself a rapper. Dime a dozen in every jail and prison. Annoying kid, kept retelling how they grabbed him up at the home of his "side piece", when he wasn't freestyling. I figured if I got revoked that day he'd be sure to be my cellie, the kind of luck I have.

Anyway, the kid goes up for his revoke hearing. Comes back down about an hour later, white as a mf ghost, thousand-yard stare in his eyes.

Turns out, this wannabee had made some music videos, with guns, drugs, wads of cash, posted up on FB, Insta, Snapchat, etc. And the prosecutor played them in court, which is ridiculous for a probation hearing, since probation can be revoked so easily (lower bar than "beyond reasonable doubt", and hearsay is admissible). And for an encore, the AUSA unsealed five new charges from the grand jury. Kid was now looking at 25 years for Felon In Possession of a Firearm instead of a 6-month violation.

After he related this whole scene, all he could do was mutter, "He dimmed the lights. He dimmed the mf lights," about the prosecutor showing the videos in court.


Comment Re:Metrics? (Score 1) 137

>And I guess the big studios won't like this one bit.

The big studios don't care. They depend on clients like advertising agencies, film and television productions, and the major labels. The digital revolution that started in the '80s with MIDI gutted the low-end and middle-tier studios but the big studios live on.

-- k.

Comment Physics is physics. (Score 1) 45

A plucked string* has inherent properties regardless of whether it's on a koto, balalaika, sitar, or Fender Strat. The overtone series (harmonics) influences what is perceived as consonant or dissonant. Everything on top of that is acculturation, but the physical properties of sound are the same.

* - or a column of air, a metal or wooden bar struck with a mallet, a membrane hit with a stick

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