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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 408

It isn't really about the tools. The truth is the tools are cheaper and more available than ever. Eclipse CDE and g++ for example. Computers are cheap and available as well. Want to learn? You have all the information you want online.
What it is really about is complexity and expectations.
Back in the C64/Atari/AppleII/TRS-80/Coco days you could understand the systems. It was also possible for a single person to write a game or utility. Today people expect more and the systems are more complex. A Pi is more powerful than the workstations and minicmputers I lusted over as a kid.
Would it be great if Microsoft included Visual Studio? Sure but that is not the limiting factor? No. Now all the cool little SBCs out today are really cool options and very much like the old C64a

Comment Re:or... (Score 1) 265

It is an annoying fact but most first launches are simply mass simulators. AKA dead weight. I guess a car is as good as any other mass. It would seem logical to offer it to a much of student projects and or spare NASA probes. The problem with that is while it could get a free ride you still have to fund the ground support and if they blow chunks you have the fall out from that.

Comment Re:Uhhh... (Score 1) 265

Actually, the classified military satellites are for a noble cause. They help keep the peace and because of them allowed the first arms limitation and the arms reduction treaties. They have also helped to monitor ceasefires.

The problem is that this is highly reflective and could cause astronomers problems. Good news is that it is big enough, light enough, and low enough that it will only be in space for about 9 months.

Comment Re:or... (Score 3, Insightful) 265

This was a test object for the launch vehicle. It did not cost millions. So do you go to the movies? Drink alcohol? Play video games? Why don't you use that money to help bring clean water to people that need it?

Yes this was a bad idea and a little bit self-indulgent but overall not super evil or expensive.

Comment Re:the (actual) shooter (Score 1, Insightful) 170

"Why would anybody assume that the situation is exactly as described by the caller? "
He had to assume the worst case which is pretty much what was described on the phone.

I still do not get this police hate for this guy. The SWATTER committed an act with full malice. The police did not act with malice.

The law is would have a reasonable person thought that lives where in danger. The answer is yes. Frankly the Swatter should get charged with murder but in the state it happened the act of calling in a false report is not on the list of felonies that qualify as a death occurred during. I really hope they add that. I think Swatting should carry a mandatory $500,000 fine and five years. It is not a victimless none violent crime.

Comment Re:the (actual) shooter (Score 0) 170

The only hostages according to the phone call where his mother and sister. In other words women. The person that walked out was male.
The police officer should probably not be a police officer any longer but no he will not get charged. It was reasonable for him to think that lives where at risk.
I find the police hate to be really annoying. Let me explain the concept of intent to you. The officer was intending to save the lives of two hostages. The SWATTER was intending to put people lives at risk for the LOLs and $$$...

Comment Re:*BSD = Elitism (Score 1) 196

What do you have against Macs?
I am a Linux Developer, I have MacBook Pro "The old one that lets you upgrade the ram and drives", a Windows system for FSX, several Linux boxes, an Android phone and tablet, a Kindle tablet, Apple IIc, and an Amiga 3000 with a video toaster!

Really folks stop making certain tech into your God. Tech is just a tool and frankly, all tools are kind of cool in their own way.

Comment Re:Thanks, $15 minimum wage! (Score 1) 266

Publix is the same except they never did have any self service isles. Publix is a great store and has been for decades. You walk up to any employee and ask them where something is and more often than not they stop what they are doing and walk you right to it.
When you go in if any cashers are not checking someone out they are standing right at the front of the checkout isle looking for people to check out.

Comment Re: Thanks, $15 minimum wage! (Score 4, Insightful) 266

1. They are not working for free.
2. Raising the wage increases the motivation to automate.
3. Why all the fuss? Do you us ATMs and online banking? Do you know how many tellers you have put out of work?
When automation actually provides a better user experience it is going to happen.

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