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Comment Re:But that's not the real problem. (Score 1) 1651

Here in Lexington, Kentucky, I see more bikes every year. The city has been steadily adding bike lanes to every road in the downtown/university area. Local businesses are getting together to install bike hitching posts in the restaurant-and-bar districts around campus, and even Wal-Mart has started installing bike racks. Critical Mass rides happen several times a year, and there's more people every time.

Some places in the US maybe losing their bike culture, but not all of them.

Oh, we don't have a helmet law, either. I don't think there should be one. That doesn't make you any less of an idiot if you don't wear a helmet.

Comment Re:But that's not the real problem. (Score 1) 1651

Oh, and they continue to be a nuisance when parked as well because most bike riders seem deadly afraid of walking which results in huge piles of seemingly discarded bicycles packed tightly around entrances to malls, stations and similar. There will be bikes parked against almost all lamp posts, traffic signs, free-standing trees and walls.

As a cyclist, I agree 100% with everything you said about unsafe riders, but this particular thing wouldn't be a problem if businesses would provide proper bicycle racks for their customers. Half the point of a bicycle is that you shouldn't have to park three blocks away from your destination. It's ridiculous that large businesses will buy up acres of land for parking lots and refuse to spend a few hundred dollars on a bike rack.

Comment Couldn't this have waited? (Score 1) 632

Couldn't these guys have waited just a few years, until 3D printing is popular and ubiquitous? Instead, they've handed the feds a silver-platter excuse to preemptively regulate the hell of it while it's still a novelty item.

Thanks, assholes. You've destroyed a world-changing technology because you just couldn't wait one more second to own shitty, worthless plastic guns. Great job.

Comment On a philosophical level, a bullet is just atoms (Score 1) 580

On a philosophical level, guns and bullets are just atoms. If a dude points a gun at you, he's only pointing atoms at your head! If he pulls the trigger, he's just putting some extra atoms in your body. If he was a doctor and you needed a medical implant, you'd pay him to do that! Why the double standard?!?!?!?!?!?

Because context matters, obviously. If the law criminalizes the possession of evidence of a crime, then that law is broken and should be changed. There's a huge bloody leap from there to "child porn should be legal to possess in all circumstances".

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 1) 716

Seen Flattr? Sign up for a flat monthly payment of your choice, click the Flattr button on sites you like, at the end of the month your payment is divided equally among all the sites you Flattred. It's a fantastic idea and makes it easy for folks to decide how much they can budget for website payments. I really wish it'd actually take off.

Comment Re:...the good news (Score 1) 75

Fast and cheap to buy a completely custom action figure? Yeah, I don't think they have those at Toys'R'Us.

One-step articulated toys have been my standard example of "really impressive shit 3D printing could someday do" for years. I just hope that Harvard's fucking patents don't prevent anyone else from doing it better and more affordably.


Ubisoft Uplay DRM Found To Include a Rootkit 473

An anonymous reader writes "It has been discovered that the Uplay system Ubisoft uses to both check a game is legal and offer up gaming achievements, multiplayer, and additional content, actually contains a rootkit. The discovery was made by Tavis Ormandy, an information security engineer at Google, when he installed Assassin's Creed: Revelations on his laptop. He noticed that during the installation Uplay installed a browser plug-in that allows any website to gain access to your machine through a backdoor and take control of it.The plug-in can be classed as a rootkit because it is thought to allow continued privileged access to a machine without a user's consent."
Update: Ubisoft has released a statement saying it has issued a forced patch to correct the flaw in the browser plug-in for the Uplay PC application.

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