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Comment Re:Oh boy... (Score 1) 951

Sir, you dont answer to my question

1. If Israel is ready to have comprehensive peace for a complete withdrawal from all the occupied territories, why dont they say that ? that will give them solid credibility.

2. Where is the evidence to your allegations that many jews were kicked out of their home in neighboring countries ?

Comment Re:where's the real perspective though? (Score 1) 951

> that given the amount of help that Gaza gets from them, it would have been cheaper simply to relocate the entire Gaza population into any of those countries. There is so much unused territory, that rationally speaking, the continuation of this conflict makes no sense.

Yes ! we can extend your peace formula for all the conflicts in world and relocate people who are kicked out of their home to some other unused land somewhere else. Good right?

Comment Re:Put things in perspective... (Score 1) 951

> You call the Israeli Labor and Kadima parties extremists? Seriously?

Wasn't here any illegal settling(i.e kicking out Palestines out of their home) under any of these ? Wasn't there any illegal occupation under these people ? for me, it qualifies them to be called as extremists.

Comment Re:Put things in perspective... (Score 1) 951

> If it wasn't for the distraction of "Palestinian suffering" the Arab leaders might actually have to answer some tough questions at home. Nothing better to distract a populace from your own corruption and oppression than to blame it all on some external (real or imagined) enemy.

This is the key point. Palestine people have suffered because of these family dictators called Arab leaders(who are absolutely controlled by US). But its strange that people take these Arab leaders stupidity as an excuse for Israel to do every inhuman act and occupation against people of Palestine.

Comment Re:Put things in perspective... (Score 1) 951

> The Arabs refused to accept the partition and decided to contest it militarily. Israel soundly defeated them on the field of battle and we've been living with the consequences ever since.

Israel had occupation agenda from day one. Otherwise, why can't they say that they are ready for a total withdrawal from all occupied land for complete(written) peace agreement with all the neighbors. If they say anything like this, it would give them some element of credibility rather saying craps like "promised land" and "Arabs attacked us and lost so we can kick out every Palestine out there out of their home"

Comment Re:Oh boy... (Score 1) 951

> They wouldn't be under siege if they hadn't elected a movement whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

They call for the destruction of Israel in present form because it has occupied a lot of other's land and kicked a lot from their home.

> If you were Israel would you want to make it easy for Hamas to smuggle in offensive weaponry?

If you were kicked out of your home, wouldn't you fight against the occupier ? or just sit idle and pray for him ?

Comment Re:Sudden Peace? (Score 0, Troll) 1067

> The situation is a lot more complex than your simplistic statement would suggest. The UN is actually the one that approved the partition of the terrority. Nobody was "kicked out" of their homes until the subsequent wars (all launched by the Arab states that refused to accept the UN resolution) resulted in the displacement of part of the population.

Funniest thing in slashdot is that spelling/ grammer Nazis themselves commit the same mistakes in their post. You were asking me to learn correct spelling in your previous post and now you could not even spell territory correct !
Anyway, I dont know how can you equate settlement and occupation with war. This is probably the first time I am hearing such an argument. Victory in wars made their settlement and occupation easier. Thats all ! Illegal settlement and occupation was there with Israel from the begining. Thats why people oppose Israel. Also you are assuming that people of Palestine should be tortured for the failure of Arab countries in wars.

>Just as many Jews were expelled from the Arab countries as Arabs expelled from Israel -- when do they get to return?

Could you please point some links or solid evidence where some jews where kicked out of their home in some part of Arab countries ? Iran still has some jewish population living there without any such problem. Nobody(except you) has ever seems to have complained that Arabs kicked Jews out of their home.

> Is Hezbollah is ready to make peace then they should start by announcing that Israel has the right to exist. Until then I see no reason to try and negotiate with them.

This was clearly pronounced and shown all over the world in a BBC interview with Hasan Nasarullah itself(Interviewer was BBC's Jim Muir). They are ready to make peace with Israel if by "Israel" someone means only Israel not someone else's land. But forget it, I will take your argument. So if Israel is ready to offer complete withdrawal from every occupied land for a total peace with everyone else , why cant they say the same ? they DON'T because THEY ARE NOT WILLING TO MOVE OUT FROM OTHER'S LAND. The funny thing is that unlike you, they accept it though they give some other explanation(which doesnt make sense for anyone else).

Comment Re:Sudden Peace? (Score 1) 1067

> So why are all the rocket attacks coming from the portion that isn't being occupied while the portion that is being occupied is relatively peaceful at the current moment?

Where does the suicide bombs come from ? occupied lands or non-occupied lands ?

> Palestine (you might as well spell it correctly if you are going to advocate for it) has never existed as an independent nation. If it hadn't been partitioned by the UN it would likely still be part of Jordan and the other neighboring countries.

See problem is not with the borders. Nobody cares what it was called or what border it is aligned with. What is important is Israel came and KICKED SOME PEOPLE out of their home. Whether they were part of Jordan, Palestine, Israel technically is irrelevant.

> Why do the terrorist apologists always mention this but fail to mention the original UN resolution [wikipedia.org] that created Israel and which is still not accepted by the majority of her regional neighbors, Hamas and Hezbollah? Maybe Israel will be more inclined to follow UN resolutions when her neighbors are inclined to follow them as well?

I repeat my words, they are ready to accept Israel or anything else provided that is a country by the people living there and not formed by kicking someone from their houses to provide shelter for occupiers. This is the fundamental problem.

Comment Re:Sudden Peace? (Score 1) 1067

> There are no settlements in Gaza and there was no occupation until recently. Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza a few years ago as you may recall.

There was and IS occupation still by Israel. Until and unless Israel withdraw completely from all the occupied land and remove all the settlers, there IS occupation. Gaza is not a country by itself. Its part of entire palastine many part of which was/is occupied by Israel and millions of Palestines were(and still ARE) displaced from their land. Israel has not shown ANY willingness to do this. If you are kicked out of your home and later on asked to come and make peace by taking back your courtyard alone, would you be OK with that ?. Remember, there was NO Hamas, NO intifada and NO violence before occupation. People were living peacefully.

> They already do live this way within the borders of the State of Israel.

What do you mean by Israel border? Israel as of 1948 border ? 1978 ? or after that ?

> Is that why their charter still calls for the destruction of Israel?

If I read it correctly, they dont call for the destruction of Israel as a country it was. They call for the destruction of Israel WITH occupied land. And you and me would do the same in such a case right?

There is a reason why such a huge number of resolutions were passed against "Israel" by UN. The country from the beginning, resorted to violence and illegal means to expand its borders. Atleast go and check those resolutions before posting comments.


Comment Re:Sudden Peace? (Score 1) 1067

> Actually I doubt that will happen but WTF else is Israel supposed to do? Just accept the attacks and not respond to them?

Solution is very simple for simple people(not for someone who have an intention to occupy other's land). Roll back all settlement and occupation. Let all Muslims, Jews, Christians and everyone else live as Palestinians(or by any name) in a democratic setup. Even Hizbullah, which is harder than Hamas by any measure, was ready to accept this. Their leader Hasan Nasarullah had even called for this solution in a BBC interview. But how many Israeli leader was ready to accept this just and simple solution ?


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