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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 498

It's the same in California.

  There is the portable roadside test, preliminary alcohol-screening (PAS) which is the device that was not being calibrated. Which you can refuse, this is the easiest method for the officer to have probable cause to arrest you. After they arrest you, you have the choice of a blood test, another breath test at the station with another officer on a completely different device (these were being calibrated properly), and not taking another test which makes them assume guilt.

Comment Hrm... (Score -1) 270

So this Perry Metzger dude forked Growl, gets pissy when the developers tell him to screw off, then goes onto Google Groups and blasts shit about how Growl should be expelled from Google Code because it's "not open source" and now costs money. Perry Metzger... submitter? Probably. One pissy little bitch with an axe to grind.

Comment Get in line (Score -1) 290

Yet another in the very long line of home inventors that suddenly "discover" an idea that's been around for a very long time and subsequently shit themselves with anger when "Detroit" doesn't give two fucks about them. News flash: The auto industry spends billions of dollar a year in research and development. You are meaningless. What you have is not even a drop in their bucket. Quit kidding yourself that you have done anything revolutionary and just find a goddamn niche and make some money. Fucking twatholes...

Comment Re:I Completely Called It (Score -1) 1613

Was there anyone that actually thought his "retirement" wasn't health related? Absolutely everyone knew he was in very poor health and had been for a very long time. Keep on sucking your own cock though. You'll get to the creamy center soon enough, faggot.

Comment Moron submitter (Score -1) 96

"I don't know how many people will be able to afford such a trip, outside of Las Vegas, Hollywood, Cupertino, Redmond, and few retirees, but I suppose they are thinking that they can make their money back with this project in the long term. Touring the space frontier seems a little steep. A lot of people are just trying to make living in a home a reality without being foreclosed on." Dumbass post. Your ancestors probably stood alongside the first automobile and said aloud "Do we REALLY need this thing? I mean, only the rich can afford it. I'm going to go suck my own penis now." Fucking douchebag. Who gives a fuck about foreclosures? Get a goddamn job, fucking losers.

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