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Comment Re:Next time it'll be cash (Score 1) 345

You don't get to review before approving it? Here the amount shows on the machine, you select the account, and enter your PIN. There's no circumstance where they can modify the amount without you seeing it. Also, we don't do tips, though I have sometimes (maybe more touristy places) seen the machine ask if I wanted to add one.

Comment Re:Use cash. (Score 0) 345

Cash sucks, and if you're overseas, keeping it on hand can be tricky.

Not having a chip-and-pin card is the fault of your banks though, they should have got with the program when the rest of the world did.

Also, the one time the Dutch ticket inspectors check is when you decided they're not going to check on this trip. The other time is when you're touristing and have about 20 old tickets in your wallet that you have to sort through to find the right one.

Comment Re:"with a 2048 bit RSA key" (Score 1) 79

They used bcrypt, according to the article.

"Encrypted" is often said when "hashed" is what is meant.

You don't have private keys for hashing passwords.

It's safest to assume that your password is compromised and act accordingly, but I doubt that it'll actually happen. bcrypt is a pain to brute-force.

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