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Comment Re:Is it just me? (Score 1) 463

Powerful computers that cost $15-$20K were less vastly less powerful than the cellphones we had today. The issue was mass production of hardware, not software.

I'm not a big fan of the walled garden, but the hardware in it will find its way to us geeks for a minor markup, if any. See the Rasberry Pi.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 206

On the day that happens, such that I can no longer sell my used discs to other people, I will stop buying any games priced higher then $10.

That may be true for you (and good for you for acting on your feelings).

But Steam sells games for more than that all the time and there is neither physical media nor the ability to resell.

Comment Re:Investing is inherently risky (Score 1) 233

I'm not "defending" Obama for this move - if anything it was lowballed. He should have given them a couple of billion to match the sort of ballpark figures given to the oil industry,

Comparing one company vs an entire industry is somewhat disingenuous.

And regardless of that, the US is simply broke, and doesn't have the money to be spending on either, or a host of other things.

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