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Comment How are drones to be dealt with ? (Score 1) 1127

Frankly if someone is harassing others with a toy aircraft and it's in an active hunting/shooting area, I can't imagine any other outcome. It's a stupid publicity stunt, nothing more.

I am curious what rights we have to shoot down drones.
It seems that the very nature of surveillance drones is going to make it difficult to differentiate between 'protected' & questionably legitimate law enforcement equipment and private peeping toms.

Comment McDonalds Syndrome (Score 1) 218

However you read the headline, here on slashdot, or in its original context, the story is still the same. Apple wants to cry about being unfairly put in the spotlight when it's far from being the only company making products in Chinese sweat shops. If you want to make yourself out to be the most publicly recognized with a high-and-mighty attitude, good or bad, the spotlight is going to fall on you. Take a look at how McDonald's has been treated over the years, amongst fast food burger chains their grub has the lowest calorie count by far (Wendy's triple Baconator anyone ?), but McDonald's is the public face of an inherently unhealthy industry. McDonald's can throw some apple slices in their happy meal and Apple can mandate suicide nets at their Foxconn plants, but it's not like either are really changing the game.

If our gadgets were made a little less like the instantly outdated disposable trash they are, we could all plan to keep them a little longer, meaning we could pay more for them and then they wouldn't have to be made under sweat shop conditions. If you want things quick and cheap, like a burger off the dollar menu, don't start whining about how inhumanely it's made or how unhealthy it is.

Comment Siri'ously ! (Score 1) 239

Why is there no option to downgrade/flag horrible stories. I'd love to see the Seattle Times run something this stupid, like "Why our mayor won't stop digging pot-holes" ...
I'm pretty sure everyone on slashdot is already well aware that there's hardly an ounce of truth in this article/troll. It's too bad the author couldn't be bothered to do any research, even a cursory peak at wikipedia would have made a substantial improvement in the quality of the article.
Next up, the internet will no longer be available to non-iPhone-5's because they lack quad core processors and thus the ability to render pages in a sufficiently timely manner. Apple's a company that has shown time and time again that they do not believe in supporting legacy equipment.

Siri'ously, if you don't like getting screwed by Apple on a regular basis, stop buying their over-priced, over-hyped, crap.

Comment Re:This is dangerous... (Score 1) 845

To massacre a bad pun, there's two types of people, the doers and the talkers. It doesn't matter what field you're in, the doers need math skills and the talkers will keep telling you math isn't that important.
Whoever gave that board member a BS (or any other degree) ought to seriously investigate them for cheating because he's got to have cheated.

Comment Sony memory sticks... (Score 5, Interesting) 275

This is hardly news. Sony has always gone the proprietary memory format and they have always been much more expensive than the generic equivalent. Is Sony even all that relevant anymore ? I could barely give away my PSP (slim) and don't get me started on the current PS3 with it's ridiculous looking motion controllers is utterly lame next to playing Kinect games on the Xbox.
If the Vita also doubled as a decent phone, gps, and camera, I might take a look at it, but who really needs another web enabled device to lug around. My Windows Phone already ties in with my Xbox and has some entertaining away from the PC/Xbox games ... and it's a day away from getting even more integrated with my Xbox.

Comment USPS isn't unprofitable, it's just dirty politics. (Score 5, Informative) 713

USPS isn't on the verge of collapse due to any shortfall in business, it's recent changes in politics that have thrown a set of concrete slippers on a historically great swimmer.

H.R. 1351 would allow the Postal Service to apply billions of dollars in pension overpayments to the congressional mandate that requires the USPS to pre-fund the healthcare benefits of future retirees. No other government agency or private company bears this burden, which forces the Postal Service to fund a 75-year liability in 10 years — at a cost of more than $5 billion annually. Without the mandate, the USPS would have shown a surplus of $611 million over the past four fiscal years.


There's a lot more to the Post Office than just delivering junk-mail. The Post Office has been the glue that allowed the US to exist almost right from the start. The difference between a 1st class nation and a 3rd world country is the Post Office. Can you imagine if your bills didn't arrive in a timely fashion or you weren't able to put a check in the mail. Sure there's a lot of movement towards electronic payments for everything, but there are still plenty of areas without broadband and getting on the modern web with a modem is painful. Odds are if you're older, the Post Office also delivers your medications safely and quickly regardless of where you live. Rain or shine, you can always count on the Post Office to deliver, Fed-up and OoPS, half the time when the package is in town, on the truck and out for delivery, it still won't show up for another day or two as they skip stops.

If I was a politician, I'd really think twice about screwing with retirees prescriptions or the people handling the ballots.

Comment What a biased piece of garbage article. (Score 5, Insightful) 69

I don't know how this one made it through the slashdot filters to be published. Mikejuk's posting sounds like conspiracy drivel. What Microsoft did was clearly a good effort to try and show the worry-warts what they're doing, but to expect them to give away the source code to their operating systems is just crazy.. their whole business model is based on traditional closed source software.

Comment Re:FFS (Score 3, Insightful) 370

Of course without the "internet" Greenpeace wouldn't have a means to complain about the internet. Sure they are a few Greenpeace rep's out in the cities when the weather is nice, but they're usually lost amongst the rest of the aggressive pan-handlers.

As usual, they're simply trying to make a statement in a controversial manner. The internet isn't it's own country, it's a communication medium. If they wanted to make a serious statement, they could focus on the waste involved in the manufacture of disposable (quickly obsolete) electronics or focus on the power plants we get our energy from. No-one's going to give up the internet to save the planet, arguments like this just continue to paint Greenpeace as a collection of sensationalist, attention-whoring, hippies.

Comment because of the poor timing... (Score 1) 535

While it's good that this was leaked on a Monday, choosing to release explosive documents (assumed) while Japan is facing a possible nuclear meltdown and one of the worst human crisis since the quake & tsunami in Indonesia, it will be lucky to make even a footnote on the national news.
This should have been released back in December, shame on Assange and Wikileaks for holding information like this for their own political and personal gain. IF this is the same batch of documents on BofA, stalling has made it a complete waste.

Comment Re:I think Beck has started to believe his own con (Score 1) 1276

I'm pretty sure his job is to encourage new David Koresh's so that Fox Tabloid can continue to find exciting things to report on. Beck's a win-win, scared conservatives tune in to watch his puppet shows and crazed rhetoric, then they go out and do stupid things. Just remember, Fox doesn't have to report the truth, they've already gone to court and argued they're protected as a tabloid.

Comment Re:Right. (Score 1) 500

I'm not sure how Windows counts as proprietary. Microsoft provides an operating system that runs on a relatively large variety of processors and is compatible with more hardware than all the other operating systems available combined. The government tore Microsoft a new hole for including Internet Explorer as an integrated part of the operating system, meanwhile Apple... OMG where do you even start with Apples Anti-trust behavior ! Apple dictates every piece of hardware and software combination and their rigid control of the iOS goes way beyond any tax/money grab on developers ! Apple is continuing to push their marketplace control right onto the desktop.

If someone like Steve Balmer was to even suggest doing with Windows what Steve Jobs has done with Apple, the media and the government would be on him like he had a fist full of kiddie porn. Eventually everyone gets tired of the tyrants, even the apathetic consumers, no one really enjoys heavy handed taxation. Apple's gained a lot of ground by touting their products as flawless (Apple vs. PC commercials) and by association, their elitist position. In reality, for closed ecosystem products, Apples have a lot of flaws (lock-ups, bsod's, vulnerabilities,...) and that "I'm better than you" marketing is going to come back to bite them.

Who knows, maybe Apple will try to revive their image as being the friendly computer and replace Jobs with Woz ... lol ! There's a guy with a dash of genius and the charisma of a chipmunk.

Comment Re:Happy to see Tribes get some love (Score 1) 518

Have to agree, the Halo series was a sad Tribes knock-off. To anyone that's played Tribes (1 or 2), it was a horrible let down. Jet packs and armor/equipment stations make FPS's awesome ! Team Fortress 2 takes the idea of loading into the game with different classes and equipment and does a nice job of it, but a rocket jump is no-where near as satisfying as flying your jet-pack while raining down spinning blue discs of death. Tribes was truly epic.

Comment Re:Not enough units (Score 3, Informative) 609

We bought my wife's at Costco, where they were only given 5 of the Samsung Focus' for launch and we stood in line to get it. Costco is definitely the place to buy one 'tho, best prices, they waive the activation fees, and throw in some extras (mostly junk, but it did include a car charger).
I'm just itching to see what the second round of hardware is going to offer, but after watching my wife play with hers for the last 3 days, I'm definitely trading in my iphone, the ads to not do the phone justice. I'm not a big microsoft fanboy, but I really hate getting lumped in with the turtle-neck-wearing holier-than-'tho douchebags every time I pull out my iphone.

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