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Comment Re:As someone who lives in Florida (Score 1) 98

I don't want subsidies. Don't need them. My career in IT was/is very good to me (in the process of semi-retiring). Perhaps if I expand beyond an acre or two; I have right of first refusal should my neighbor decide to sell the 5 behind us. He's not doing anything with it, although the meadow and the more distant birch trees are lovely.

Comment Re:As someone who lives in Florida (Score 3, Interesting) 98

Exactly this. I am moving from Western PA to the Finger Lakes region of New York. I bought a few acres and all of the land that didn't have trees or the frog pond on it was just mowed. Next Spring I'm going to till about an acre at least and plant crops for my wife and I to eat. Add a couple of chickens and beehives, plant some fruit trees.

Lawns are a waste of otherwise arable space for the most part. Sure we'll have some lawn area for recreation, but when I see a huge yard that is just mowed it irks me a bit.

I'm even going to plant clover and wildflowers over the septic leech field. Food for the bees.

Comment I'm surprised the number is that low (Score 1) 357

I am surprised it is only 58%. I'd have expected higher. I know that as a Prime customer I'd never consider. Hell, I'm selling my house right now and despite that they are bonded and there are huge fines for misuse I don't like the lock box with my house key in it. Not a direct comparison, I know, since almost all of my stuff is gone and I've already bought a new home. Still, I'm surprised that 42% are okay with a delivery person having even one time access to their home.

Comment Re: Amen ! (Score 1) 481

The reason my father bought me the original IBM PC was that there was a sizeable tax deduction at the time and it was about to go away. Before you go around calling people morons you might want to do some fact checking. Ad hominems in general tend to invalidate everything said before them, as well.

Comment Re:If I had a choice... (Score 1) 33

These are around Jupitur so nearly million mile away. Relax. Dont do it.When you want to come.

No, they are in the asteroid belt. From TFA:

"The five new asteroids orbit within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter."

Not that it matters much. They aren't a threat.

Also, Jupiter is 365 million miles from Earth when they are closest to each other.

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