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Comment Re:NO NO NO NO NO (Score 1) 367

Clearly this means that children will be 40% less dead when hit...

This can be reduced further, to about 20% dead, by encasing your children in a suit of spongy metal.

Don't you want your children to be safe from the outside world?

Order yours today!

Comment Re:Who cares about the humans (Score 1) 336

Two: The company knew the aliens existed by previously merely detecting/analyzing the beacon, then they might divert the Nostromo with the intention of picking whatever they find up. It would make sense, even to the subterfuge of planting Ash with extra orders to recover it, and diverting the ship so it picks up the beacon forcing the crew to respond (per their contract to respond to distress calls) allowing the company to get a 'free expedition' out the crew.

Yes, but why redirect a commercial towing vehicle? Why not send a military ship? We know they could have as they sent the Sulaco in Aliens. The derelict wasn't going anywhere. I think your option one is far more likely.

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