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Comment Re:15 years ago - the dark days? (Score 1) 44

Having developed software for nearly fifteen years, I remember the dark days before testing was all the rage

Umm.. wtf are you talking about? Extreme Programming is 13 years old, and it wasn't first. Even the waterfall model has testing, and it's 40 years old:

1. Requirements specification 2. Design 3. Construction (AKA implementation or coding) 4. Integration 5. Testing and debugging (AKA Validation) 6. Installation 7. Maintenance

Just because you didn't know how to test your software back then doesn't mean testing didn't exist.

He didn't say testing didn't exist. It definitely wasn't as prevalent or mandatory as now. He's right. Testing often wouldn't be done until the end of the cycle, and was frequently shortened or skipped entirely to meet deadlines. That doesn't seem to happen any more.

Comment Re:ITIL (Score 4, Insightful) 168

The above post implies that you are going to use a waterfall type development methodology. A more light weight alternative is to do iterative development. Deliver a release to the customer every 4 - 6 weeks, and ask if that is what they want. After each one, if they like what they see, ask what they want to see in the next iteration. Negotiate the scope of each iteration, but not the customers priorities.

Of course, if they don't like what they see, you have a different problem. Figure out how to get on the right track.

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